Sunday, June 19, 2011

Back to Employment and Economy News

Well, we're here in the NYC Metro area, looking for some answers on how to throw this economy on our backs and get it going.  Right now, in New Jersey, the look is bleak.  There are half a million people in this state alone looking for employment.  Every day, there are teachers across the state being laid off.  Yikes!  This is happening all over the country.

There is a bright side to the story.  We continue to pick up more and more jobs in the healthcare arena.  Financial services is also picking up.

As far as healthcare goes, well, we currently have an aging population that's going to need more and more care.  While I'm not a fan of the current healthcare system since it needs alot of work, I do understand the importance of making sure every American is entitled to proper healthcare.  In the meantime, keep focusing on your maintaining your own individual health to the best of your ability, and the rest will take care of itself  :)

As far as Financial Services, well that's one area I know many things, having worked in this realm for a long time.  As information technologies increase, the need for someone to help you track your finances is imperative.   Gone are the days of company pensions.  It's the era of the 401k, and of individual ownership, and responsibility, of investment and retirement accounts.  No matter how knowledgeable you are about the markets, you still need someone to help you through it.  It helps to associate your accounts with someone else, so that you don't make any rash decisions with the money you've worked hard for and saved.

So, with some of these fields on the up-and-up, can we assume that the economy is back on its feet?  If so, what is to become of the education field?  Are many of today's teachers destined to do something else besides teaching?

Right now, we lack confidence.  We lack confidence in ourselves that we are making the right career decisions.  We want to work hard, but doing what?  And if we know exactly what we like to do, then why aren't there jobs that exist doing just that?

Employment is a trick topic because we are designed to love work and hate it at the same time.  Since we spend most of our lives working, we want to do something fun.  At the same time, work isn't supposed to be fun, that's why they call it "work" and not fun  :)

The point is, do we take work that we don't want, just for the income, just for something to do, or do we keep looking and holding out, suffering as long as possible, until the right career emerges.

Well, it's the real world, and we have to do what we have to do.  We'll take what we can, and that's fine. But here, we're not talking about all that, we're talking about the labor market's bigger picture, that we Americans must find a special niche in a new global economy.

While I can't tell you what to do, because ultimately it's your decision, my advise is to pick something you love to do, whether it's tech, accounting, entertainment, construction, or whatever else, and connect with as many people and do as much research as you can.  And remember, just because no one is doing exactly what you're doing doesn't mean that you will fail, it just means that you have found something new and unique to add to the the world and to the economy..  hey, isn't that what this "new" Economy is all about?  Redefining what we do?  Try it out and let me know!      -Jesse

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