hello peeps and liliputians,
If you are feeling kind of "small" in the vast sea of arguments of the ACA you are probably not alone.
There are more opionions that "solutions" since the ACA was passed with some trepidation. http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-03-04/obamacare-case-is-not-life-or-death?alcmpid=view Please reference the link for a very comprehension article surrounding the ACA and the supreme court ruling.
Chief justice John Roberts called the ACA a "gun to the head" when he passed it as legit the first time around. Justice Anthony Kennedy is now "pointing" the gun at Justice Roberts. The ACA does seem to be a bit of a "hot potatoe" that no one really wants to deal with. ? Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has opened the argument with King vs Burwell and asserts whether challengers are actually being injured by ACA and have a legitimate case.
While I am not personally affected by the ACA I do find that the bill was passed in haste and in poor taste. For one thing, govt. healthcare programs have a tradition of failing and failing big! Medicare is an example of this , as Medicaid is also known to be inferior to private insurance. Why are we even attempting another "govt. healthcare program"?? ACA is not really affordable. I have heard cases where those who need it most are not benefitting. That premiums are going up rapidly and again, many are not current on payments. Just from the constitutional position, the first amendment would counter any legitimacy of ACA based on the govt. selling you a "product". You are forced to buy it from the govt. or pay a penalty. There is also the matter of "taxing" your healthcare plan offered by ACA. It seems to me that the govt. has jumped into a money making scheme on the backs of the poorest americans with a overtly fraudulent ploy of "helping" americans who can least afford healthcare. The govt. in my opionion has been overstepping the boundaries of the constitution to address a serious blight of healthcare with the bandaid of ACA. The fleshwound is deep based on the recession and economic insecurity and the superficial fix of ACA is definitely not healthcare reform but some other hokey pokey and trickery at its best.
Mitt Romney, you may remember , in his bid for the 2012 presidency, said he would repeal obamacare on day 1 of his office if elected. I really think the case for "repeal" of bad law is totally the way to go. We all realize that there are not sustainable jobs for many americans. Many of these same americans are without health insurance . This demand for Affordable care is real. There is no question. But what is the real problem with the healthcare industry today? There is a huge rehab industry that is pumping up costs for the average American. There is the huge problem of the pharmaceutical profit that is responsible for the "overmedication" of America! There is the plastic surgery network that is driven by the Hollywood and film industry. Many have surgeries that are totally unnecessary to "mimic" the looks or features of a celebrity. Some with success , others with damaging results. (Does anyone remember Angelina Jolie's evil twin , the octomom!) So on and on we go on the merry go round of "healthcare" and the elements of corruption that is all to evident to the high cost of healthcare. Lets not omit the hospitals and the charges of astronomical figures for the patient. The private healthcare industry has been assaulted by obamacare ACA. I know some that work for healthcare that were "confused", under "mismanagement" and are still in limbo about the exact services and delivery of those services when it comes to ACA policy. Our healthcare system seems to be deteriorating before us as private healthcare , is still the best healthcare and with the provider or doctor you choose. For anyone who knows about Medicare, you know it is a deeply flawed system with built in discrimination and corruption. Why would we even want another "govt. healthcare program"? It seems a bit redundant and with tax payer dollars flowing in all directions but never getting to the point of a better healthcare system. ! I've heard that the ACA already needs a bailout of tax payer funds.!! Is this good business? If the private sector offered such inferior service they would be "shut down" in a heartbeat based on failure of practices and procedures. In summary, I see the govt. growing bigger and joined with healthcare in a very unhealthy relationship. If there are no sustainable jobs to support people , their health, homes and mortgages and the people are living paycheck to paycheck or govt. check to govt. check with retired ,, disabled and others, I don't see how our nation, our govt. can possibly offer anything. any viable healthcare plan or ACA unless our economy is revived. The priority of our lawmakers should be to create jobs for americans who want the American dream. Who have education and need jobs that uplift them and who will have access to healthcare plans that are affordable based on private industry mgmt.
Our founders would never imagine how big and corrupt our govt. has become. Special interests groups are running the country and the general health and iq of our nation is at risk! we are a country in trillions of debt now as morality is left behind. Some of the tough questions that still remain and that have made healthcare unaffordable is the one about govt's role with reproduction, abortion and other invasions into the private lives of citizens. If we are honestly and succinctly talking about healthcare and the meaning of respecting life , should we be continuing to fund the mass killings of the unborn, the distribution of pills and birth control and the dark side of healthcare. ? If we want more humane care for americans shouldn't we start there? with the first and fourth amendment issues? Govt is not our parent.. the elitest may think they know what is best for the "people" but this is a falsehood and unconstitutional. If the govt is a parent..it is an unfit parent giving out dangerous drugs to poor women for birth control and doing just about everything an unfit parent would do. Can we trust our govt. then for affordable care when what we see is a "trashing" of America and our "constitutional freedoms'. Im afraid the call of duty to find an "affordable" solution of healthcare for the poorest of the poor would have to start with "education" rather than "ACA" or healthcare. There seems to be a lack of fitness in our country based on the extremes of the economy. Of an emerging two class system and a socialist, Marxist overlay that is much like welfare dependency. You must argue for the American people to research their own solutions. To take action for their own healthcare needs and to remain independent of govt. controls and programs that fail . The govt has never had a program that works. we have committees upon committees of oversight at the expense of the American taxpayer, for programs that are ineffective. Healthcare is one of the biggest open sores of the American govt. Maybe the question of "morality" is all to relevant to the discussion of the ACA.
The people , the fit people of this country, who are hard working, Christians, who have education and use wellness, fitness and prevention are the ones most often paying the high cost of ignorance of others. It is definitely a morality issue. Why should those who respect life be punished with inferior healthcare services and products? Why should those who practice healthy living be subject to paying high costs of rehab for others. It seems there is a divide in our country and unfortunately the economy isn't helping. The middle class has been virtually disappearing and the 2 class system that is a system of failure, is un-American and designed to fail. Unless the focus is on job creation and allowing small business to grow, while giving people independence with their own decisions, healthcare reform is a non-issue. The ACA may have been good in "theory" but in "reality" it is a nightmare for small business with red tape and for most of americans using it, it has proven to be a tangled web with more taxpayer money being used to bail it out. Can we get serious about healthcare? Healthcare starts when every American has an education on wellness and prevention. The exchanges for ACA also do not work for a simple reason. The states do not want the "high cost" to implement ACA when the federal govt. has failed to fund these exchanges. The majority of states have their own affordable health care insurances and for this reason ACA obamacare should be repealed. it was an ill -conceived program that has all the inherent problems of other govt. healthcare programs like medicare and Medicaid. Can we all agree that a full time employment is much desired over finding cheaper and cheaper health insurance? I haven't even discussed the part time employment and how many corporates are dropping healthcare plans for part time employees, thus necessitating ACA . Walmart was a model for the ACA. Recently they have had shake ups with finding that the model isn't profitable or working for the corporate. The part time employees are now getting the benefits cut and there is a struggle for most. Other corporates have managers working endless hours with no benefits. The corporates are just failing to insure their employees altogether.
The corporate abuses go on endlessly and I hear new reports everyday. The American worker is at risk. It is an American tragedy!! So in my final analysis I would request that the supreme court justices lay a foundation of humanity with regard to healthcare . Perhaps it is better to clean up the messes in the other govt programs like the corruption in medicare and Medicaid , before we start on a new ACA program that is already failing those who it was designed to protect. The rising cost of healthcare should be evaluated and the pharmaceutical industry should be the first on the list of reforms. Medications have become the "cash cow" for our healthcare system and without regard to the patients rights or health.
can we all just "get along"?
This is agent sparks "whispering something smells fishy"...
peeps.. the best remedy is prevention and wellness. Practice health. Use education and remove addiction behaviors that drive the cost of life and healthcare to its peak.!! . TLC is available.
I will never trust corporate healthcare or govt. to make my decisions for me.. Call me a loyal founding father advocate but I support a small effective govt. One that works and generates jobs for the people. A govt. that is governed by the majority , for and by the people. We must repeal obamacare aca now! It is a mockery of justice! We need govt. out of our healthcare and reproductive business. ! The heat of the battle is intense!
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