hello readers and small businessmen and women. Welcome to todays blog topic "8 steps to building a memorable brand" by duct tape marketing and guest post by Bob Bare. I will be listing some very relevant books for you at the close of this blog for small business development so be sure to make a note! Starting a business should be a process of education and not ignorance. So let's start our blog by giving you the 8 steps for building your brand.. A brand is like a "fingerprint". It is unique to the creator, author and businessman and an identifying factor. 1) Brands must pass a personality test of sorts. A brand's functionality is crucial but the emotional benefit attached is equally important. Marketers must help to cultivate their consumer brand relationship. 2) what is brand identity? how do you create one? What your brand stands for and is known for is all important to sending clear messages that prospects can understand. Usually a brand will elicit a lifestyle response embodying the characteristics of a particular person, group or culture. So as a marketer you must use your brand to attrack clients and retain clients. To maintain the appeal and interest for repeat business and retention of clients you must have a standard of giving clients what they want, when they want it and in a manner that appeals to them. I would add keeping the customer first is the golden rule. Make your clients feel welcome, special and always offer personalized service.
3)brands with benefits* Defining your brands strengths and unique benefits that appeal to casual or professional business.
4) Keep your clients coming back! It is crucial to stand behind your brand and deliver what you promise! This writer has had experience with driving sales and maintaining a client base. i would add that the sale is only one small part of the business and that "service" makes the difference to repeat business and adding new business to the client base.
5)experience is everything! your brand is the "experience" customers will walk away with. Was the experience gratifying, educational, personal ? The experience must be a positive one or you will "lose" clients and business. Was the checkout process or closing, safe and secure?
6) make messaging memorable. An identifying catch phrase like "just do it", is an undeniable hook into a prospective clients memory. You can remember tons of one line "catch phrases" or messages used by business that makes it easy to remember that business, product or service.. It's always good to use catch phrases or messages to abbreviate your brand's mission and make it appealing.! One of my favorites.. "the best part of waking up" "folgers in your cup". (works for me) but seriously we identify so many businesses and products this way when a brand can be a simple catch phrase. One that im sure everyone knows! 15 minutes can save you 15% on your car insurance. (geico) so great marketing is key with a simple message that will build interest in your brand. Be creative or find someone who has natural creativity to market your brand. It's best if the owner has these branding and marketing abilities. Equally important is the impactful logo and a great graphic signature statement. Visually, a logo can add to sales. Clients will remember the name and logo so again, creativity is the rule.
7) Consistency is key , Once identified the look and feel of your brand must maintain consistency across all channels and venues. You must present your business with your message, brand logo and mission and keep it consistent . Don't adopt multi-messages or logos. It will confuse the prospects.
8)Repetition is a must.
"the rule of seven" is a rule that emphasizes the prospects need to hear and see your brand or message before they take action! Succinct news thanks Bob Bare, author and speaker and founder of more power university online business school for a great guest post on duct tape marketing. excellent brand building news!! Also as promised for the book forum segment of this are three books i would recommend by John Jantsch that will inspire your business start up or make your business better.! Thanks to the author John Jantsch .
"The committment engine, making work worth it". JJ
"Duct tape marketing" The worlds most practical marketing guide 2nd edition JJ
"The referral engine", Teaching your business to market itself.
This is detective sparks, hoping to ignite your passions and creativity!
Please enjoy our sponsors that bring great products and services to our readers!
until tomorrow.. are you using your "apples"? apple iphone 5's of course.
hello readers and small businessmen and women. Welcome to todays blog topic "8 steps to building a memorable brand" by duct tape marketing and guest post by Bob Bare. I will be listing some very relevant books for you at the close of this blog for small business development so be sure to make a note! Starting a business should be a process of education and not ignorance. So let's start our blog by giving you the 8 steps for building your brand.. A brand is like a "fingerprint". It is unique to the creator, author and businessman and an identifying factor. 1) Brands must pass a personality test of sorts. A brand's functionality is crucial but the emotional benefit attached is equally important. Marketers must help to cultivate their consumer brand relationship. 2) what is brand identity? how do you create one? What your brand stands for and is known for is all important to sending clear messages that prospects can understand. Usually a brand will elicit a lifestyle response embodying the characteristics of a particular person, group or culture. So as a marketer you must use your brand to attrack clients and retain clients. To maintain the appeal and interest for repeat business and retention of clients you must have a standard of giving clients what they want, when they want it and in a manner that appeals to them. I would add keeping the customer first is the golden rule. Make your clients feel welcome, special and always offer personalized service.
3)brands with benefits* Defining your brands strengths and unique benefits that appeal to casual or professional business.
4) Keep your clients coming back! It is crucial to stand behind your brand and deliver what you promise! This writer has had experience with driving sales and maintaining a client base. i would add that the sale is only one small part of the business and that "service" makes the difference to repeat business and adding new business to the client base.
5)experience is everything! your brand is the "experience" customers will walk away with. Was the experience gratifying, educational, personal ? The experience must be a positive one or you will "lose" clients and business. Was the checkout process or closing, safe and secure?
6) make messaging memorable. An identifying catch phrase like "just do it", is an undeniable hook into a prospective clients memory. You can remember tons of one line "catch phrases" or messages used by business that makes it easy to remember that business, product or service.. It's always good to use catch phrases or messages to abbreviate your brand's mission and make it appealing.! One of my favorites.. "the best part of waking up" "folgers in your cup". (works for me) but seriously we identify so many businesses and products this way when a brand can be a simple catch phrase. One that im sure everyone knows! 15 minutes can save you 15% on your car insurance. (geico) so great marketing is key with a simple message that will build interest in your brand. Be creative or find someone who has natural creativity to market your brand. It's best if the owner has these branding and marketing abilities. Equally important is the impactful logo and a great graphic signature statement. Visually, a logo can add to sales. Clients will remember the name and logo so again, creativity is the rule.
7) Consistency is key , Once identified the look and feel of your brand must maintain consistency across all channels and venues. You must present your business with your message, brand logo and mission and keep it consistent . Don't adopt multi-messages or logos. It will confuse the prospects.
8)Repetition is a must.
"the rule of seven" is a rule that emphasizes the prospects need to hear and see your brand or message before they take action! Succinct news thanks Bob Bare, author and speaker and founder of more power university online business school for a great guest post on duct tape marketing. excellent brand building news!! Also as promised for the book forum segment of this are three books i would recommend by John Jantsch that will inspire your business start up or make your business better.! Thanks to the author John Jantsch .
"The committment engine, making work worth it". JJ
"Duct tape marketing" The worlds most practical marketing guide 2nd edition JJ
"The referral engine", Teaching your business to market itself.
This is detective sparks, hoping to ignite your passions and creativity!
Please enjoy our sponsors that bring great products and services to our readers!
until tomorrow.. are you using your "apples"? apple iphone 5's of course.
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