Friday, July 13, 2012

Repeal of obamcare and saving the human race, our democracy hangs in the balance.

Hello readers and succinct news fans,
Today's topic is one that  everyone has probably read about in the news. It is one that affects every single american. It is one that crosses all lines of status , age and sex. Let me first begin by encouraging your proactivity in signing the petitions online with regard to "repealing obamacare". The "people" must take back our "health", our "jobs", our independent management of our business and country!! Obamacare is a toxic "cocktail" that is poison to the founding fathers soul of america!! For one thing , americans are "rejecting" it.. !! The majority of americans reject it and have voiced this through grass roots, tea parties and their lawmakers on the hill.!!  We do not want to adopt the "socialized medical system" of Europe!! It is a failing system. Why would we want to "adopt" this?  Its not about giving the "poor" options either. We all need to face the facts and admit that medicaid and medicare do less for care and more for "dependency", Pharmaceutical profit and in most cases making dire conditions worse rather than better. The old folks just get "screwed" if they don't have additional funds or become dependent only on programs. Its. that simple.. and that complex.   Since when has a govt. service ever held private standards or managed heatlh with dignity and respect for life? well, here i go into my personal "vortex" of life experience!! I was born to report the truth..and healthcare gets my "biggest" , "fast and furious" whistle blow!! This has come at a personal cost and price to me. My parents raised me to report the truth. Without truth, how can you reform or bring proactivity, making positive changes not negative ones.?? anyway.. lets start with healthcare.  you will see a dangerous evolution as govt. services grow bigger and healthcare becomes more "corrupt" based on profit. people are not people anymore but "numbers" or "hamburgers" to be flipped. While i have many friends in healthcare careers and i totally know they are doing their absolute best giving excellent care to patients, I also know many in the healthcare business that are making "death panel" decisions daily based on the "numbers". Let say i've seen the underbelly of healthcare..and it ain't pretty.. When people become dispensable.. well.. there you go. Its hitler at the controls of the "titanic". His cruel concentration camps spelled out the most inhumane of medical testing and abuse with experimentation. In the name of "science" of  course. Today I see a total exploitation of the masses for "clinical" trials and unfit testing. To me this is "hitlers" dream , having voluteers for these "frankenstein" case studies. Come on america..wake up!! Are americans that "desperate and suicidal" to submit their bodies and privacy for the gain of a few bucks in a clinical trail?? Is that what this "no jobs economy" is doing to the population?? Are we not born to succeed, have health and prosperity and pass on christian values like respecting life for instance and "one own life".?? i know one thing.. i am not signing up for any of "Hitlers"..i mean obamcare's  "fake care".. Its like  buying a lottery ticket for a death camp!! you get to "choose" which one you are going to perish in!! and by what 'inhumane" experiment. No thanks to that scene. As i grew older i began to see the "dark side" of govt. dependency from welfare to state govt. agencies to food stamps and other "govt. welfare programs. As these agencies grew and evolved, it seems there is a lack of respect for life, even in the medical community!!  I am saying that Healthcare is corrupt. If it can be bought and sold, if children can be bought and sold, if justice can be bought and sold,,then my friends, america is on the edge of "extinction" and although as  controversial as you will find my story, you will in the end, have to recheck and do your own homework, yes even read "self-help" and practice good healthy habits on your own because the news for all americans is this." the govt is not in the business of giving you health or healthcare". If the govt. is doing your thinking and processing for you , you are already a dead man. The gov.t is failing and it is in shambles with unsustainable debt. Do you trust "healthcare" to give you health?? That my friends is a big mistake. One that you will regret if you have already bought into the "statistics" of healthcares profit machine.  In fact if you are dependent on govt. in anyway or forced into unemployment due to this terrible recession , then you are at risk!!! the govt is taking more of our freedoms daily.. as it takesover "healthcare:.. one sixth of our national business economy!!!! Healthcare is better managed by "people" and people are healthy when they "work" and have "access" to a better life for their families.  Obamacare is not only killing jobs!! it is killing americans!!  I encourage "independence" to fight dependency and using your own "mind" to study and take responsibility for your own health. Healthcare is a huge "for-profit" machine..that is growing more greedy and corrupt everyday. As an educator , formally educated with elementary education, i can tell you its all about "prevention" and not "ignorance" that leads to medical crisis.  Let me give you a few more examples of the "evolution" of the evil empire of "healthcare".  healthcare invading homes, taking parental authority and trashing life.!!  Okay fast forward to 1987, I can tell you that the "patient care business" was ruled by every criminal element out there!! For private home care, it was all about the "healthcare" aids who were "stealing" from the patients!! i was shocked to learn that many of the health aides would steal "drugs" for  themselves or boyfriends.. from the "patient". There were also cases of patients getting the wrong medication or an overdose of medication that would put the patient at extreme risk!! or death!!  I also did some behind the scenes "reading" of cases that would put you into cardiac arrest!! How medical reports and records would be suspect and Less than reliable to reporting a patients condition.  As i became more educated about this "home health business", i started to witness serious problems. The good aides and nurses would be "oversheduled".. two shifts a day.. ..In a matter of weeks these nurses would be "burnt out"...calling in sick and losing interest in "patient care" altogether.  Those that were in  less in demand , aides and nurses guilty of giving inferior care, were not schedule at all. Nursing homes didnt want them, private care and home health care didnt want them. They were employees that were a liability.  The nursing supervisors were sometimes coming unglued at aides that would show up late for work , even five minutes, because patient care is not like any other job. A patient suffers when there are lapses in care or the schedule is not kept to perfection.  The evilution continues.. do you see the healthcare industry as the villian yet? do you see healthcare as taking our constitutional authority and freedoms?? do you see healthcare as gaining profit and growing as our nation is experiencing job loss, increased addiction and rehab due to the recession?? Do you see healthcare as an agent friendly to your small business or killing all your business and killing you!! well writing the blogness monster here but you have to know that i will blow the whistle until everyone comes to their senses, gets off meds, including the supreme court justices.. because healthcare isnt healthcare any more toto!! and we cannot afford to live healthy lives and independent americans unless we "repeal obamacare".. it is a fatal step in the wrong direction!! people..we the people , must take back our health, our constitution and the american dream!! The dream was conceived by our founding fathers.. to preserve and protect our freedoms, our country , our people and we can all "self-govern" based on principles that are successful including jobs that finance our indpendence and health. !! health savings anyone!?? i sure like the idea of me, having control over my finances..and health.. That is the perfect combo and my healthplan.  respect life.. it all begins there. Healthcare is more about a "processing plant" than about giving good health and care.  If we have no authority we are not a free "democratic" nation any longer.
 detective sparks.. blowing the whistle until eternity!!!
have a great weekend with healthy activity , good diet and rest.. The old -fashioned rules of health still apply. We were born to be free and free of govt. excesses!! The govt. is going viral!!
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Please note that the tour de france is broadcast by nbs sports channel on weekends. Catch stage 13 and 14 and share the ride. Ride like "wind".  congrats to all the stage winners as the race continues to the champs d'lycees.. it's all about winning and survival.

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