Monday, August 20, 2012

Ryan boosts medicare with a surprise guest in florida! Hello readers, today we have more commentary for you on VP candidate Paul Ryan. You can read the link offered by Yahoo, the ticket and writer Chris Moody today, gets the credit for bringing Ryan's important message on Medicare to the people.
Ryan brings a personal story of family meaning with Medicare and how it affected his family and grandmother who suffered alzheimers. Ryan's own mother, Betty Ryan Douglas, at age 78 relies on medicare as do millions of other senior citizens. Paul Ryan's stand is to protect and strengthen medicare. Ryan attacks Obama and Obamacare as having used "medicare" for a piggybank for Obamacare and the seniors have rallied behind Ryan in florida.!! Obama, since taking office, has done some questionable things as president including writing the "Obamacare" cradle to grave , healthcare legislation. As President, Mitt Romney will "repeal" obamacare as unconstitional and the "people" will reform healthcare keeping the free enterprise alive and well. The seniors play an important role in the next election. They are affected by the economy, healthcare and medicare. Many are dependent on a corrupt system that is making life much worse. With inflation a threat and other issues of the rising cost of healthcare, seniors face an uncertain future. The Romney and Ryan ticket will restore constitutional law and bring sense to healthcare. This is what seniors and all constituents need!! a format for healthcare that is first of all , legal and based on the american founding fathers who established "free enterprise" as the policy that works and has served successful for generations of americans. The corruption in the healthcare system is widespread and needs reformation but according to the needs of the people.  Please read todays link to learn more about Ryan's stand on medicare and how the Romney Ryan team will work for seniors and the american people!
This is detective sparks, giving you the senior spin
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until tomorrow,  we are counting down to nov. 6, 2012, election day with succinct news on top of the issues for the american peeps.! Peep it up!!

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