Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's midnight of 1-11-11 it's a new bully of the week, precious Hayden Panettiere

The appeal moves forward, but the news of the day regards the battle between the father of Meredith Kerther, John, and actress Hayden Panettiere.  The battle is one unbeknownst to dear Hayden, who claims [she can't] "say [she] has an opinion," and "that's why the story is so interesting."  Hayden this isn't a story so get out of Hollywoodland.  This is someone's life being toyed with.  John Kercher believes that a film about his daughter's death is "a horrible thought."  Did anyone from the cast, crew, or production company, Project X Productions, bother to call or console the poor man?
Ladies and Gentleman, we are all bullies when we fail to communicate things that should be communicated.  God only knows I'm as guilty as anyone.  But tread carefully Hayden, contact the Bullybusters if you wish, but remember that you are delving into a recent murder loss; this isn't about acting, it's about human rights.  Remember the family involved.  Please.


Thanks to:
the upi.com news in today's edition:  http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2011/01/10/Amanda-Knox-appeal-and-film-will-go-on/UPI-59091294686970/ 

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