Hello readers and avid fans of film and acting,
We are happy to have you with us on the "succinct news" blog, authored by Jesse cannella, professional actor and model. Today's topic is one that is been engrained in my heart for a number of years now. Fifteen years to be exact. My personal crusade to pursue justice for my youngest member of my family, my son. As govt. apparently grew larger and more sinister, my eyes were focused on the best individual education plan for my son, typically abbrieviated as IEP. I had been in the business of homeschooling as an experienced mom for years when the "knock" on my door came unannounced. on my door in June 1996. I can't recall the events without pain and tears, anxiety and loss of sleep as i have lost years of normal functioning based on what i will expose to you as "kidnapping" by overly aggressive healthcare special interests combined with the ignorance of the court and dss agents. yes. i am stating here for the record that "DSS" committed criminal offenses to my son, to me and to my family for the "malicious" intent of harm without "due process".
While i was not a member of Homeschooling Legal Defense association, I soon became aware that this organization was actively representing DSS cases and families like mine who were being assaulted by government services nationwide. An interesting fact of my case was that social workers came to my home, filed a report and within a week the case was closed. The paperwork cited "no support of allegations to a family not on services". It seemed simple enough for me to realize that no family in america would be safe from the "invasions" of gov.t agencies or people who were "ignorant" of the homeschooling laws. A second visit from DSS agents with threats made at the door would not end with a "closed case" report but with "terror" that exploded and caused damage to my son, my family and friends.It seems the state of mass. was intent on not only taking my son into an abusive program that was without my authorization but also wanted to force my husband out of his job and us on "services". I will be speaking more about that in my book, "The truth about charities and ungodly agents who work in child services". Was this where our "economy" was heading in 1996? Forcing families on services for the "growth of big govt. and to take "indpendence" from families? The link i am providing references an attempt to lobby and to "preserve" the rights of homeschooers with a "non-discrimination act". The bill was brought forward in 2003 and then was sent back to the dept. of education , subcommittee with no resolution and no passage. You can read more about this at this link and see the step by step activity of this bill. http://www.hslda.org/Legislation/National/2003/HR2732/default.asp While our constitution and founding fathers documents support homeschooling from the "inception" of our declaration of independence, with our first presidents being the first "homeschooled" founders of our country signing these documents, some remain ignorant of our nations homeschooling roots. Its a shame and tragedy. One that i live each day with a broken heart that "people", with ignorance, would assault my family, take my authority and freedoms and ultimately misdiagnose my child for the purpose of "legal and medical" loopholes.
There is a larger picture here. It is one that associates with the "innocence of youth" and with a homeschooled child's right to remain safe and protected in his or her private home with a biological mother who had a resume of gifted children and curriculum. We are living in times that are extremely dangerous and anyone who thinks that their amendment rights are being upheld in a court of law would be surprised to learn what happened in my case. Where it was shuffled, as my son was, from place to place, without even consideration for his basic care or needs. Where the case is a cover "up" of the worst possible crime to my child which involves a program that "practiced" and "licensed" child abuse and "starvation" as a program "fit" for autistic children. My son suffered irreversible damage within days of the "misplacement" in the program. Months and delays for months more caused permanent damage to his learning processes , his happy and joyful spirit and his physical and mental health. all reported in my "appeal" for damages over a period of 200 hourly visits. There is nothing more painful than to have the "joy" of the "birth" of your child and to homeschool and parent your child full time, sharing their discoveries and educational milestones and then see the "dark side" with govt. agencies enter your private home with violence, take your authority and love from your child and give your child a program of inhumanity. The term excessive "force" and "intrusion" define the acts and offenses of DSS workers , a govt. agency, designed to protect "children". This agency was a direct risk to my child, taking "protection" from him the humane, academic, christian program i had planned for him with professionals that all agreed, private professionals of my choosing and hiring, who stated in court, that my son was better to be at home and homeschooled for his health and education would be directed by me, his fit mother. I am still waiting for justice to be served and am now homeless for 10 years. It is more than coincidence that "business" and "jobs" are being created to "cannabalize" children and the health of homeschooled families. Jobs that were never needed except for one fact. The law took my child and my relationship based on truth and trust, home-education and christianity and trashed it. A family not on services.. case closed. progressed to a case of a family , destroyed by services. forced on services .. and a billion dollar appeal for a lawsuit that says.. my child has the right to be homeschooled as i directed and defended , that was for his "protection" and not an "abuse for profit business". My son had and has no medical diagnosis of "autism". It was a discrimination label given to "cover up" the abuse and crimes starting with police brutality in ct. and mass.that my son witnessed in his private home. There was no "reason" for it. I will be devoting more time and information to this blog news but for now i would like everyone to learn that HR 2732 is the law that i will be "bringing" to the whitehouse for "homeschooling equality" and so no other child or family that is a homeschooling family, will ever experience the tragedies my child suffered at the hands of "ignorance". Homeschooling is as american as the "birth" of our country and successful with the precepts of christianity that teach ethical humanity.
Please support homeschooling legal association and its legal advances to protect the liberties of homeschooled children and families. Academics are being lost as are family values and faith in a country that is now largely a "socialist" country. Our family histories with homeschooling are becoming meaningless as corporates and institutions take the "authority" from parents and replace it with danger, abuse and even "permanent" damage caused by ignorance. Our children are being sacrificed for the sake of corporate profit and im saying "corrupt healthcare" is involved. I will be posting a petition on my website, www.bittersweetfarmssolardesigns.com , that is not for fundrasing but only for signatures for the revival of this bill, HR 2732 and justice my son was denied and deserves as my homeschooled child. My son is a victim of "politics" and the "politics" friends, are deadly. I will also be petitioning for the "parental rights amendment" for united states citizens to protect their homeschooled children in thier homes against over zealous agents who would "invade" privacy based on false allegations and no "substance" or evidence. It is troubling to me that 15 years has passed. A lifetime to a child , a lifetime of development and shared events and memories with your parents and siblings, a lifetime of normal mainstream life, that has now been distorted and disabled due to the ignorance and violence that is "running" the court. Can someone stand for constitutional law? Can someone defend their own child from corrupt and greedy parties and system abuse?? Can a parents authority to direct the "education" of their child be the undeniable justice. ? I can and will defend. I will defend and act for justice for my son and this homeschooling case. I am tired of the daily bullying and abuse i take because i will not participate in the "cover up" and "make pretend" about a program of child abuse, that i never authorized. Whether is it an autistic program or a private or public program, if it is a program forced by the govt agency, state or school board for "special needs funding" and it is dirty politics and inexcusable . It is "unconstitional" , meaning "criminal".. Just as "obamacare" is unconstitutional so it is "criminal". It's either black or white, right or wrong, legal or a crime. The crime is still a crime and justice needs to be served. It is a somber note.. on the entertainment page today but one that i must bring to expose the criminal elements involved in govt. agencies. There is no "point" to taking children from loving and fit mothers and homeschooling families. Ther is no "point" and "no constitutional authority" to do these crimes to innocent children.
Thank you for your suport. please discover our sponsors and read more about HSLDA for updates on cases across the country. Homeschoolers are under "assault". The youth of "america" is under assault.
Check in tomorrow for another succinct news blog. We will inform you with relevant topics.
Tomorrows stage 12 of the TDF is going full steam in the alps. Be sure to follow the race of races! The test of human endurance is where the maillot jeune is the "justice served".. Survive the test and you will win!
until then, Detective sparks.. making a point about "winning justice". Winning stage by stage.
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