Saturday, July 28, 2012

The top ten green celebrites, solar intensive workshop day 8 welcome

hello readers,
We are now in day 8 of our "solar intensive workshop" and we at succinct news are happy to have you join us as we "shed" some light on the green energy business and how it will affect our energy choices tomorrow. I personally, I am very happy to advocate green sustainable energy. You can visit my website  and you will see that my adopted hometown of branford ct. is going green and has a great green energy task force that is bringing more and more solar projects on board as the town has a quota every year for making branford a leader and model for other communities. Branford has long been a community of resourceful people who started a model "recycling" business in the 70's based on consumer awareness of "reusing" and "repurposing" of materials from glass, plastics and other recyclables. Taking care of the enviorment and the health of the community has always been number one in Branford and I'm proud to have spent some years as a homeowner in branford and actually worked at a recylcing center. Knowledge of how to restore the depleting resources our nation is using is key to reducing landfill, keeping costs down and most importantly keeping our eco-balance. We are moving from recycling to solar sustainable energies now as it is significant that we preserve the ecology and natural enviorments for our next gens to enjoy!! As huge disasters, like the oil spills off the coast of Louisiana have taught us, man must be responsible for the damage of eco-failures. We must develop technology that will keep our enviorments safe, our marine life thriving and our people protected from "chemical" assaults in the world around us. We should not be "endangering" the lives of many for "oil profit" and that includes damage to our oceans, natural enviorment or air quality. Solar energy and clean energies are focused on eliminating emissions that "dirty" energies cause.. Clean energy offers positive results for  health and  healthy natural enviorments. Todays link reveals many top celebrity names that are participating in sustainable homes with green energy , preservation of wildlife and conservation projects and in general taking responsibility for our planet with causes that are for the sustainbility of our natural resources and protection of the delicate eco-balance of the food chain. We all share this planet and can make a positive or negative effect from our footprint.
There are a number of green energy businesses that are corporate large companies that not only produce green products for use but also are producing them in buildings powered by solar energy or renewable energy sources. Honda is one of these companies and one we shared at the start of our solar workshop intensive. More and more companies can take on the challenge and cause of "green clean energy". It's a matter of more consumer awareness programs extended to community business.
please read the link to learn more about celebrities who are making a difference for their cause of clean green energy adding their star power to make it shine!
It's great when industries unite with a positive message!!! The entertainment industry and the clean energy industry..are going to change the "world".!! I thank the folks at for a great article ! (going back a few years).  I encouage our readers to take up the "cause" today and live a healthier, happier life with the natural effects of clean energy.!
Detective sparks.. alive with energy!
Come back tomorrow for day 9 of our solar intensive workshop to learn more about how states fund solar projects and what may be happening at your campus or state project.
until then.. we at succinct news, wish you a good day! Thank you to our sponsors for relevant ads.

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