Monday, August 13, 2012

Twinkle Twinkle.. see the stars of the olympics!!
hello readers and olympic fans,  The link today will quiz your brain about the London games. In a tribute to all the countries, the extreme atheletes who devoted their lives to their training and sport, to all the trainers and coaches, to all those associated with this summer's olympic games in London, Succinct news wants to congratulate you for inspiring another gen to excellence with "sports" throughout the globe. Indeed, the olympic sports are "extreme games"... maybe the "winter games" are a bit more extreme but the amount of training, preparation and dedication is the same. Team USA  was on fire. With a total of 104 medals the USA proved its "mettle" again with acquisition of all these medals. Michael Phelps contributing records for his last year of competition, is a star-studded olympian. Good luck to Michael as he enters the film industry in a "reality tv show". Sink or swim is the question and im sure Michael will "swim". Other names that stand out for me personally , are the girls on the gymnastic team, Aly, Gabby and others. My favorite sport, field hockey, was won by the Dutch team, bringing home the gold to Holland. I was right guard on my high school team for a few seasons of extreme sports. Today is the closing ceremony of the olympics already!! We have witnessed the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the strongest of  the strong who represented the united states. There is no better place for competing atheletes  to champion a spirit of goodwill and international sportsmanship than at the Olympics. The discipline, the work ethic , the complete devotion to their passion, these individuals and teams have taken a place in history with other atheletes of remarkable courage and talent. In this edited version of Succinct news, i encourage our readers to find an "activity" or "sport" for yourself and for your family and devote time daily to developing your physical strength and conditioning. There is no better message to give your children than to "teach" them by "example" that physical fitness , training and activity should be "rewarded" and in some cases it is the reward of longer, fitter, happier and healthier lives..What could be more valuable than a gold medal as "role model" for your friends and family. Sports teach us so much about discipline, work ethic, team dynamics and relationships, It is an important part of life here in america and across the globe. In a culture that is battling addiction including obesity, it's good to know there are some out there who are practicing the abc's of fitness.. and showing a better way to live!! with passion for extreme sports. !!  So friends.. this is detective sparks.. lighting up for the closing ceremony of the London games.. See if you can answer the 12  questions about the games and "be a part" of  the history of Olympia! Do you know your olympic history?
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until tomorrow,  twinkle twinkle little stars.. you may be an olympic star one day.

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