Friday, August 3, 2012


Hello readers and olympian enthusiasts, !  I must give credit to our extremely talented Olympic games people bringing home the Gold!!! Michael Phelps, a whopping 20 gold medals is untouched by competition!! He is the ultimate winner!! Also gabby douglas, the first black US gymnist bringing home gold!! Well done Team USA. !! we need to overtake China to be the leader in medals so keep it going Team USA!! We will succeed!! Even Britian won a medal and Kate and Will couldnt share more "magic moments" while attending the Olympic event! Kate and Will make such a "statement" wherever they go. They are royalty with a heart! (cheap seats), precious!  Kate rules with the commoner prince!! Will is just like Diana, it turns out. No pretense or lofty elitist attitude! I embrace the royal couple as a new gen of britians who share our american views of equality!! They are "models" that shine for the young people of their gen . They are both a breath of fresh air!
Well folks, I am here today to share a topic we are all feeling here in america!! The pain of the economy and stock market roller coaster.We , the people, have been  emersed in  this "economic and political fray" since President Obama has been in office.  Sadly, most of us can't relate to having  billions of dollars in actual money or stock holdings or masterminding new technology in our world of struggle everyday!! Some of us have even experienced "crimes" of inhumanity as our own "children" are outsourced to unknown parties!! Its the truth!! What priviledge comes with "money". What power and corruption!! Well here's the link of the day!
Mark Zuckerberg, is the royalty of next gen and tech master. It appears that facebook, his company,  has taken a hit..harder than most for his facebook shares have decreased in value by almost half! Did Mark have a prediction of the "tumble" ? apparently he doesn't seem to have any outwardly emotional response!! While i use facebook almost daily,  and think it is a great social media tool, it also is replacing normal, natural relationships, especially those that are "nurtured" in a vibrant and healthy economy!! As americans have been hit hard by joblessness, homelessness that has  resulted, early retirements and dependency of govt. services, we can all agree that the Economy of America is being assaulted, especially by corrupt devices and unfit management. The only industries that are growing are "govt services", expanding our govt. and destroying small business. The world of finance is even more "shaky" with the industry having chronic problems. You would think , with some of these "millions" of dollars hanging around that people like Mark Z. would take the lead in "job creation" and i don't mean "virtual" worlds. Can these billionaires and millionaires start corporate companies or small businesses and support the "economy" with worthy causes!! To be honest, i am so disappointed with the "rich"!! Do you see the suffering of mankind all around you?!!
people need employment. Its a fact of life. We can't live on a non-profit or charity business model. Thats the problem, not the solution. All i can tell you is that health of people declines when the health a nation declines and there is no "for -profit" businesses  to sustain the american dream!! Obama wants to tax the wealthiest of americans!! The wealthy should be investing in tomorrows human capital..and that means our youngest members of society. The wealthy, like Mark Z. should be active in keeping worth and the pursuit of happiness alive!! Hello? all you billionaires, can you generate a few start ups? There is such decadent abuse to people based on a two class system now. The middle class is now the "new poor" and welfare dependent or taking abuse from corporate employers who have vast numbers of the unemployed pool to choose highly qualified professionals from.  How did this happen?? Bullying is epidemic and the "response" to a corrupt nation of superwealthy vs superpoor!! We are living in a violent tsunami !   All i can say is this,  if you neglect the most important aspect of employment , which is the social, the team dynamics, the interaction and generation of ideas, independent finance and freedom,  you have effectively shut down america!! People, especially parents, need to finance the american dream for their families. We need to revive the "middle class", which according to some reports is 93% of the people. I would say that the entire middle class is suffering from this economy while "tech billionaires" become more focused on "charity" investments. Are there no fit fathers who are focused on the family ? So much time invested in virtual worlds, do you even notice your wife or child? There are mothers who are neglecting their roles as fit mothers too by dependency on tech and computers. !! A child must come first!! and a computer is not a "baby". Parents focus on your childs development. Please!!
I give you billionaires a challenge! for every dollar you invest in technology, invest one dollar in "human capital" because human..mankind, the human body, is the best investment in high-tech machinery of all!! You could invest in my green american dream! A home for every american family that is sustainable , healthy and a model of "indpendence" as our founders envisioned. Govt, church and the very elite..should not be making "slaves" of the people! As far as shares in facebook? Maybe the american people are "evolving" and using their social skills where they matter! IN THE PROFESSIONAL WORKPLACE OF AMERICA!! JOBS.. ARE THE SOLUTION, NOT VIRTUAL WORLDS WHERE THERE IS NO REALITY.  i guess the billionaires need a reality check from time to time. We the american people are not going to "take it " anymore!! Please invest in education, academics, in family entertainment and solar energy!! Invest in the American dream and pursuit of happiness.It's all about clean energy and not dirty "emissions". There is a double meaning here. Our world , including the virtual world is "corrupting" our nation with "dirty" emissions that destroy function!! destroy relationships and the art of conversation and dialogue!  I'm ready to win my billion dollar appeal based on constitutional freedoms. Return to the constitution, you wealthy maggots!! It's  the only business plan that is meaningful!
This is detective sparks for an expose on the rich and famous tech billionaires. Jesse's succinct news will be back tomorrow with another hot topic, top story, entertainment news or social commentary!!
until then..stay cool in the pool!! For those about to "rock" we salute you!!
Thank you for all of our solar ad snsors. Please check them out!! its no cost to read and learn what solar energy is doing for america and what it can do for you and your family !! Did you know solar energy is being used across the globe getting great results and bringing energy to families at affordable prices? that is a good thing in a democratic country.The more "people" save on energy, the more they can invest in their children and healthy pursuits and dreams.  Thank you to all of our favorite Olympic stars from Team USA who are heart and soul, representing our country!! You are inspiration to the young and old. ! We at succinct news support you and your physical sports skills!! You are the "definition" of peak "performance". (no computers, facebook or virtual worlds needed) just the human body that is the "mother" of all "machines".
Until tomorrow, it looks like detective sparks is still on fire, and still on the job as contributing editor. Where in the world is Jesse? We will have more news about that soon.

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