Tuesday, September 4, 2012

lean and mcmean... mcdonalds goes viral and mchealthy!!

hello readers,
we at succinct news hope you are getting empowered after the labor day weekend and all that family barbeque and picnic curriculum is behind you!! The funny thing about those 3 day weekends is that you find yourself doing your 5 day workweek in 4 days..so.. with all that math..was it worth it?? I am making the point that maybe its best to stay on schedule though 3 day weekends were invented for rest or longer trips or both. I have sure been missing my grillin and chillin folks. There's nothing that compares to the american dream and firing up your grill for the best burger grill out chill out!! Of course we entertain with vegan dishes too at my "ranchero". Well, let me get back to the link of discussion today. Our readers are going to be "mc" shocked!!  would you believe the big giant of restaurant boomer style, is going the way of "health" and "religious" custom?? It's hard to beleive but Mickey D's as we call it.. is adding new "restaurants" in India that will have 100% vegetarian menu!! Especially the one at the religious shrine in India. That will be the first one to open of its kind!! Now im really mcshocked that we havent taken that "health lesson" seriously here in america with the "heart attack grill" and juicy burgers . It's true that americans love their "beef" and where is it? and its an all american diet standard with a side of fries.. but really aren't americans wanting to stay on the lean and mcmean side of life?? I mean americans are now the "biggest" and most "obese" of all people and we are racing to the edge of unsustainability even with our "eating habits".. So much high health care cost and so little time. we are literally eating ourselves into new and bizarre disorders that can be "life-threatening". Let's just say americans could afford to eat like "indian's, spanish, even french" and tighten belts in a heartbeat.  A vegetarian McDonalds for every meaty one would be a way to balance the budget and the waistline. I would think americans would be standing in line for this protest and join our Indian brotherhood for the Mcvegan burger. I mean come on.. does anyone see the forest for the trees!! everywhere you look , americans are battling a bulge of larger and larger portions!!  Really.. im a boomer..i love burgers at mickey d's , on my own backyard grill or anywhere  but there comes a time when "education" must take over your mind and the facts are that living healthier means eating less saturated fat.. It's heart healthy to join the vegetarian masses.. I've started with my own personal system of using less and less meat dishes.. I know that little boomer in me will never drop burgers from my patriotic list of family events and barbeques but somehow the Mcvegan Mcdonalds makes sense.. Can i be a christian and eat McVegan.. why not? Jesus , if my memory serves me, was a vegan..eating herbs, honey, figs and other natural organics of the day! well..i guess i have to "toast" the Indian's with keeping their "religion" and Mchealth , with a restaurant that is "iconic" in america. To every season, turn turn turn.. there is a reason.. and a purpose "under mcheaven"?  Here's to the bollywood in us all.. and to all hearts seeking health.. i wish you a very big Mac, hold the beef.  Couldn't we just have it "our way" at subway?? yes they make vegetarian burgers and sandwiches.. In america..its all about healthy choices..If you must have a burger.. just make it a special treat and not your every 10 minute habit. We can all win at this game of Mc health.
This is detective sparks.. craving my mom's special potato salad the day after labor day..
As always we are happy at succinct news that you have joined us. and we hope you are all healthy and using "education and prevention" for your everyday meal planning. I'm a proud american and proud christian but I think Mcdonalds has found a way to stay "profitable" and thats what american capitalism will always do!! it will succeed with diversity. Mc Vegan..we can roll with that..
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Until tomorrow,  have a mchealthy day !

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