Saturday, September 8, 2012

welcome readers,
From time to time this writer wants to spark your "best instincts" and "survival skills" with some new reads. Today's topic, is something we as americans never get enough of.. Finance and get rich quick books.. Always best sellers , books on how to grow your wealth, what tips to steal or adopt for your own financial benefit, how you can have financial security without really trying , are books that only have one rival on the market. Those would be "diet" books... So between earning and finding enough money to survive, american is on the binge or starvation diet. What we need is balance in america and what we lack is balance in america!! The emotional roller coaster of uncertain times meets certain financial disasters, meet the next new diet and health club.. is more than we can bear!!  I'm keeping this succinct news short, sweet and to the point.. Times, they are a changin and it hasnt been a rose garden or "hope and change" . It's been one big disaster!!! the Govt. cant balance its books or are americans, the people expected to have security.. especially from long-term job security that is now, nowhere to be found. To be honest, i dont blame the next gen for looking for wisdom and financial security from the "hollywood box office"..but that's just the problem that this "failing" president has created.  We are all living in fantasy thanks to Obama's failing fiscal policies and lack of job growth!!  The best way to combat fear, ignorance and the weak economy is by "education" and i'm suggesting that the "brain trust" begins with you!! Don't be shy to take on some financial 101 courses and reads. Just think of it as your new "survival kit". We the people want and expect "fit leadership". We haven't been "getting it" with the current president. For weekend homework, I'm getting my nose in the books with a new career starting up.. and  you guessed it!! It's all about protecting your "financial security".. so I thought i would bring you along to my virtual classroom with me. I have some suggested reads from the company president, but those are "confidential".. Call me a book worm.. but someone has to "study" to get the " sweet edge" and best associate sales record and it may as well be me!!  I know it's hard to find the time while trying to break even each month, but on-going financial just one of those things you cannot afford to delay!
We need accountable govt. and policies and it would be nice if we had some "financial" accountability in the whitehouse with our highest elected officials. That may only happen with the "change" america needs with a true businessman, Mitt Romney for president in 2012.  We as the "people" should take up the "cause" though..and learn as our founding fathers intended, with self-governing principles including a wealth building plan that succeeds in good times and bad.  I know i speak for many in the middle class who just didn't have a clue or warning that a full time employment with longterm security would end abruptly in 2002 and no job was there to replace it.  Yes folks, I have suffered in this economic adversity too. I am definitely not better off than i was four years ago. I am more at peril than ever!!  While Madonna appears on her tour this year, i think , maybe there is "job security" for aging moms as entertainers.. but for me a career comeback is not that easy!  It is good though to see some women have not lost their "career" even though millions are going hungry and unemployed.  Please read up , readers, because life is too short to be penniless or ignorant!! This is america!! Vote to restore our nation with the comeback team.., Romney and Ryan have all the business math under control and for that, this writer is exceedingly grateful.America is dumbing down with a corrupt govt. taking more of our constitutional freedoms daily. It's time to rise up peeps.. take that course , study those books and start doing your own thinking. If the gov.t can't do the math.. then we are not going to do well , depending on govt.  Prepare with successful models and work for independent wealth. The system is broken. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.
This is detective sparks, taking on a new career direction. I invite you all to upgrade your financial knowledge as we journey on unchartered waters of deep deep deep..recession.
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until tomorrow,  remember , financial blessings come from ethical obedience and planning! with a capitalist model, we all should have financial success! That is the basic Mitt Romney rule.. and why wouldn't we want a president who could "change the economic landscape overnite"?? I trust in Mitt to protect America and that means with job creation and growth for the "people". My financial plan fits perfectly with Mitt's presidential win! I know i will be better off in the next four years with Mitt as my president!! it's not guesswork, it's based on his successful resume!!

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