Monday, September 10, 2012

The last tango in chicago.. Lance gets slammed for not funding the lawyer network.. Hello and welcome readers and cyclists,
You know we have been hearing about Lance, the seven time tour de France title winner and the USADA. (the united states doping agency) in recent top news stories. Apparently Lance is not catching a break when it comes to "cooperation" for his planned marathons, the next was scheduled in Chicago for october. ! It looks like the legal system is "slamming" Lance for wanting to walk away without emptying his pockets on atty's for a legal defense of those doping charges that have no "meaning" and no "evidence" ! I so know where Lance stands , having had a similar life event and experience. I mean, I'm not the cycling wizard or anything close or the cancer survivor,  but I've had my future and options compromised based on my decision not to fund a "legal system" that was playing with my emotions.  Like Lance, i took a stand. A deliberate stand not to be "manipulated" by the courts.. I literally encountered every legal issue known to man and had to defend in court after i made a decision that i would not fund the "atty" party.  I have faith but not in the american legal system that "stripped' me of my freedoms rather than "protected" my constitutional freedoms. I could relate as i started out saying, to Lance Armstrong because he is being "demonized" for a crime he did not do..  i found that i was writing checks for lawyers for one entire year without any service of justice. That's when it became apparent that the more i depended on me.. the less the "system" liked that, meaning , i guess working full time meant that you must be paying lawyers a percentage. These legal challenges test your will as a man or woman and put you in a stranglehold.  You need to be true to your identity and passions. That is not a sin or crime.  i just want peace for Lance too, knowing that walking away from a legal fight is sometimes more heroic and daring as engaging in battle !! Give peace and lance a chance!!
soooo, while i am assuming that Lance and I have a common language and that is our love of family, sport and balance , i can see Lance is starting to encounter the same "opposition" from the system that is making his life one of perpetual unhappiness and struggle. I mean how can anyone stop a man or woman from doing what they love!!?? What would happen if Lance showed up at the marathon in chicago to do what he loves and should have no restriction on his pursuit of happiness. He could definitely argue it., in court. What are they going to do.. if lance gets on his bike. Does he have to register for the race? Can he ride as a non-competitor and then the USADA policies would have no power to punish or prosecute him? How could they give Lance a criminal status for continuing his "career" because cycling is what defines Lance and what he has done legitimately for the Tour de France and thousands of other tours and races!  Why is he targeted?? He is innocent. What it the deal with the govt. and agencies doing this to people who are independent and want to keep their private lives private, their families safe and the "money" invested in better things beyond the funding of lawyers and legal battles. It's just a shame, that's all!!  It seems that no matter what happens in life.. you can't walk away from the legal establishment. It's a sick kind of torture. Like a slow burn.. your flesh smokes on the stake!! at least i compare it to a "witch" hunt as Lance does.. Who could blame Lance?? He is as innocent as evidence has made him.. There was no evidence. There are pre-paid legal services and insurances you can buy into and you can get a break on the huge sums of money that are needed to grease the wheels of justice but 25% off on millions is not that big of a discount.!! The system is crucifying good men, heros, legends as in Lance's case, when it should be rewarding his excellence and work ethic.  For Lance today, I see he is caught in the "hype and drama" because of his status and fame. How could anyone attack a man who has done so much for others with his "cure for cancer and the Armstrong foundation".??? If any of our readers watched Lance on every tour where he won the titles of the tour de france, you will remember his extreme physical skill, his focus, his dedication to the sport and his challenges with those who wanted to take him "down". I mean come on , this  year there were tacks in the tires and my fave, cadel evans was in the tour de france lead when he literally fell behind with 3 stops for tire changes. No one can tell me that the tacks in those tires were not meant to take some of the leaders out of the race as podium winners!!  Cadels time was way better than the best until that day when "tacks" appeared . I say it was an "attack" of a rival team . So whether dirty pool with USADA or some dirty team players, its easy to see that corruption even in the tour de france is taking place. We all need to stand with Lance and bring the USADA to its knees. !! Lance may need a petition. I know i just created one for my son to bring awareness and justice. The USADA  are corrupt. They dont have evidence??Why are they persecuting Lance and his passion for cycling! It seems like they want to "crush" his bones into dust. I credit Lance for his bravery to stand against the constant threat of their devices, trying to "shake" Lance down. Lance is incredibly resilient and should be praised for his extreme skill as a tour winning legend!!
Lance I dont get it??  I can say i weathered the storm..but have no real security as a result of my fight for what is right and ethical.  I can't see any logic behind assaults on people who have identity and have survived life and death battles. I see the USADA as a big bully. I know many readers are with me on this blog supporting  Lance,  are wondering, what the hell? Why are they dragging this guy through so much "torment". I think Lance has a "personal injury" case. How can he function without his passion for cycling and competing!!??? it is just wrong that his "rights" are being withheld. Lance is not retired!! He is only age 40!! Come on!!! I'm not retired either but it doesnt mean i want to spend one more minute in court or see my funds evaporating!! Maybe the people can come up with an idea like our constitutional law that is supposed to work with fundamental truths. like this one. Innocent until proven guilty!!  Good luck to Lance . I hope he can start a new foundation for cycling legends like himself so no professional cyclist will succumb to the false accusations and allegations of a corrupt  USADA agency. Perhaps there will be insurance to protect super atheletes from character assassinations and needless court dramas?. I know i would have benefitted by having more political influence. It seems you just have to "buy justice" today.  No one should have to give up their passions or be "punished" for continuing them. I stand with Lance. Passion to the end!! Lance is the champion over fear and doubt. He boldly claims victory even in the face of the USADA attacks.!!  Lance has the power of the people behind him!! We will sign your petition Lance!! i know the readers here will support you. You have given so much to the sport of cycling!! it's your time to shine!!
Live free, cycle or die!!
This is detective sparks, staying positive with passion and attitude. . Never give up your passions!!
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