Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The voice of protest and sense, our own lyrical bob dylan

hello readers,
Today's entertainment/top story/ social commentary news is all packaged with one name and legend in the music business. America's own "voice" of the mid-west, a voice that we all know and love and have identity with. A voice that has spanned the times of wild child, peace and love at woodstock and has transformed the music industry. Known for his "peaceful" ballads and meaningful lyrics,  This legend measures up in good times and bad. who is this mystery man ,? His name, Bob Dylan! who else started the peaceful protest movement in our country with our young generations and boomers melodically hyponotized. What is important about todays succinct news is more about the "messenger" than the music in a very poignant and well-delivered assessment from a man who has evolved through time to see the changes in our american dream and experience. What is at stake in our great nation, america has been revealed by our "music roots" icon. Slavery, though abolished by the 13th amendment during the civil war, is still the issue that most affects our everyday life and politics. Slavery to the black man and in many euro nations it was slavery to the "white" man or in India it is slavery by the "caste" system. So.. as we battle with our indentity.. and our spirit of humanity, we know our founders envisioned an america where everyone could self-govern and enjoy the benefits or fruits of their labors! I agree with Bob, that change takes place in the heart of man.. and why our founders specified that we were all born in "gods image". The "creator". The ideals of our constitution emphasize the importance of our faith and our respect for life and also another monumental concept. That we the people are driven by self-governance to lead independent lives apart from big corrupt government or a ruling church. The founders had come from europe with a fresh perspective that while starting up a country , one needed a number of skills, a level of intelligence and a passion to be independent . Our founders remember, were escaping the rule of the king in england where the govt. and not the people..the dynasty and not the people, the wealthiest aristocrats and not the people, the pope and not the people, were ruling. it was a 2 class system that the americans were fighting and protesting most when they set up our founding documents. The entire theme revolves around the "people" as having the power to change and transform their own government and all representatives of the people should be elected by the people in a democratic forum. Is slavery holding us back? The ties to slavery and attitude in many cases, has not changed. The cheap labor and outsourcing of the middle class jobs proves again..that the wealthiest of men in our country..politicians or businessmen still gravitate towards "cheap labor" in and in many cases that can be considered a form of slavery!! so has this country moved in a positive or negative direction if the ancestors of slaves, have now bought into or adoped "slave labor" in other countries?? i don't take slavery personally.. for me.. slavery is an attitude more than a reality. its the idea that someone can control you.. have you as property and own you. our us constitution forbids slavery yet for centuries women and children have been regarded as "slaves" by men who own them..or are the head of "households"..so while "black slavery" may be on bob dylan's mind.. i am seeing white women and children as slaves in a free country based on poverty , the same that defined slavery at this countries birth. Slavery was promoted by the wealthy and in my mind, it had no shame attached when , big farmers, plantation owners, felt more equipped to provide a life for slaves as "cheap labor". Some plantation owners gave care while other "abused" and "tortured" slaves. As i stated , i feel that christianity prevents abuse or should in any case of humanity and how you "treat people" and respect life! Some are carrying guilt for the mal-treatment of slaves. As i stated, personally i don't buy into the guilt. I am a christian. i've practiced christianity and with every contact or person i am introduced to a have a "code" of ethics, much like our founders who were really stating in our declaration, that education is prevention. We must have standards that "illuminate" mankind and not damn him to hell. We the people embodies a concept that we all have inalienable rights and we all have responsibility to ourselves and our families. we must at the point of independence, realize that our actions are the ones that trump the govt. and that is is a well-educated "people" that makes the difference for focus, direction and decision-making, self-governing, if you will , that is far mor important than "dictates" that come from a big, corrupt govt.  If the govt. loses site of our constitution and the value of life then i think it results in what we are seeing on a large scale today!!  our federal finances needing supervision because there is corruption at every level,  services of govt. growing at a faster rate than the free enterprise small business, negative trillions in debt and as bob dylan has stated. Slavery is a matter of the heart. Do we want to continue being slaves of a big corrupt govt. or do we want our independence and are we willing to work for it with principles and morals that build character. Are we the successful superpower based on our blueprint or our we going to give our freedoms in exchange for cradle to grave , extention of the govt. and control , over our lives? A two class system is a system of imbalance. It does not yield healthy results. masses in poverty and the elite corruption that has been rampant is the reality we now have. It is a "wrong attitude" and especially a "lethal" unconstitutional cancer, that has infected our policy makers in the white house. While the decision is  in the heart to take moral action or continue in the attitude of slavery , is our choice , i must say i witness many acts of slavery on a daily basis.. That is where the "bullying" and "criminal" hood violence is escalating at an alarming rate. The slavery could be a family forced into poverty after job loss and years of dependency on a big corrupt govt. that is not providing or generating policies so the people can own and manage their own business. It could be the slavery many of us face at the gas pumps being forced to choose between bills or higher gas prices, forcing us into the slavery of debt!!. If we are slaves we are without freedoms and choices..and the way i see the crumbling of the middle class, has been about "slavery issues" of constitutional freedoms that encourage success and prosperity now being denied based on a govt. driven to put more families  on services instead of creating the blueprint of success that comes from full time secure employment that supports the american dream. I see children as slaves when parents have no choices or when family law is making victims of mothers who cannot support family and children when a father leaves them behind or a full time employment is sacrificed. There are many examples of slavery each day when there is no one upholding constitutional law including passing "obamacare" which has reduced everyone to a slave status without "choices" in healthcare . Small business and even large corporates cannot deal with the rising costs of healthcare. This is a form of slavery. People need choices for financing their own lives and managing their own health, whether with health savings or education and prevention. We have all been victims and slaves when our economy tanked as a recession/depression and our economy has not revived! We are all slaves to the terror when a govt. starts taking the freedoms of the people and forcing them into a "death march" to a big corrupt healthcare system. Yes i agree with Bob Dylan..the times "they are a changing"..but not for the better and not for mankind and not for equality or what is according to our national identity of american christian democratic foundings. To recover from this economy involves a man who can be a "fuse".. to trigger our national spirit and get americans off of the unemployment and slavery that comes with poverty, back to a working middle class and free enterprise system that has always been the "feature" of our amerian constitution and reality. Another "pitch" for Mitt Romney and Ryan for president and vp.?? You know it!! There is nothing better than the american govt. that is founded on "choice" for  and by the people. we must all take responsibility for our actions..for our finance for our families and focus on "free enterprise" that builds people, builds character and builds america!! the boomers are aging and the next gens will have to find these "truths" to be self-evident in their core..in their hearts..and never forget.. someone fought for your freedom. it is a precious gift. At the polls i say with boldness and confidence, do not let opportunities to do the right thing..pass you by. We are the govt. and people who don't vote are slaves to the "silence".  your voice will join the voices of america who want to take back our country and raise the bar to a new level of effective leadership. We must vote against slavery when voting for president and the best way to do that is to vote for a president who carries the "message".. the "messenger"..
The message is..and always has been the one "burned" into our soul for the passion of freedom and self-governing. The message is morals.. for without a compass and respect for life as christian faith demands, we are lost and numbers will continue in the negative direction for "lack" of humanity.. The message is brilliance.. turning around the damage from negative to positive.. and the message that the commander-in-chief, is a public servant who defends  our country , defends our constitution and protects the people. The president cannot rule the people without humane policies that build the people and humane has nothing to do with dependency. it is about policies of the heart that succeed because they are linked to our founders vision. That we be a nation ruled by a small, smart and simple govt. that is there only to encourage and create policy to build the prosperity that america is known for.. with "no slaves" and "no apology". The lack of freedoms causes the people to suffer. We cannot allow the govt. to do our thinking and give us poverty level in exchange for success and freedoms. That is a trade the american people cannot make. See you at the polls.. and take some encouragement from me... Today starts with the "message" of founding fathers freedom for equality.  A message from the heart.
Thanks to Bob Dylan and the writer at Rolling Stone magazine for a very "heart-warming" revelation. The musicians and story-tellers have always played an important role in our government and protest, oganized by the people.
This is detective sparks , happy to spread the words of  music icons and founding fathers wisdom.
All change takes place in the heart based on a "choice" for faith and to act on what is good, moral and right for humanity. faith and action, my friends is the message. Please vote your heart and voice because it is a matter of life and death to keep our nation free.
Please enjoy our sponsors and click for freedom! business is an american dream.
until tomorrow, thank you for joining us on succinct news. We will be having some great developments in jesse's new project "in the shadow of the badge".. We welcome you to join us on our journey!

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