Hello readers, We are glad you are joining us at succinct news today. Todays' top story is written by Zachary A. Goldfarb for washington Post with Bloomberg. I encourage all our readers to check the link and become familiar with the most significant topic this election year and that is the ECONOMY OR LACK OF ECONOMY, AS PRESIDENT OBAMA'S POLICIES HAVE FAILED TO SPARK OR BRING ECONOMIC RECOVERY!
So as we head into the weekend and into the reality that our economic future still has clouds of uncertainty and no quick fixes ahead, we must consider how we can control our own destiny! This is an abbreviated edition of Succinct news today for celebration status. (some personal holidays are being observed)! The Fiscal cliff as described in Goldfarb's article, is more apocalyptic news after a long four years of bad news with the Obama administration,. One can say Obama has been damaging to the economy and the experiment is failing. Do you think the last four years of the depression-recession was bad?? We'll that's a good question and where we start today with taking action for "solutions". I would recommend first and foremost that we vote for new leadership in the whitehouse. I can think of two who can reboot this economy and get us rolling towards realistic goals for america again. The candidates I will be choosing of my own free will? Romney and Ryan of course. They are perfectly matched for the challenges america faces ahead! We need solution guys in the white house. Leaders who thrive in pressure and challenging odds. Those who have a proven resume and can bring more to the "table" for the american people who have lost hope and morale. Much like the troops who have been entrenched in traumatic fighting and events, the people are beleagured with burdens brought by this current administration and every domino that could tumble.. has tumbled. there is not one area of the economy that is not going downhill. there are no redeeming "graces", if you will. From domestic to foreign policy, President Obama has disappointed the people again and again. The last straw? The mishandling of the Libyan terrorist event just a few months ago! If national and foreign security is being compromised, what next? another 911 that we can't afford . I think President Obama has dropped the "ball" on far too many security issues and we as "the people" must take action to preserve, protect and defend our lives and country, in other words , take the constitutional oath of office based on President Obama's negligence to fufill his role as commander-in-chief". There is no worse insult to our military, to our people and to those, like me, who love our country than to see the President neglecting his duties at the highest office of public service!! Our founding fathers would be "shocked" at the shabby condition our nation has evolved to with a president who is more concerned about "media, glam and hollywood" than the real issues facing americans starting with jobs and survival!! I recommend we get back on course with Mitt Romney nov. 6, 2012 because the clock is ticking and time is slipping away for democracy to save itself from big corrupt govt. , services and cradle to grave obamacare, death panel included!! President Obama certainly doesn't represent my american experience or my american dream!! He has had no "plan" since being elected for rebooting this country or for "job growth policies".. 4 long years of over 8% unemployment and you know that figure is way low considering the realities of foreclosures, family moving in with family.. and some things that i have personally witnessed that are proof of the middle class being forced into poverty, home sharing, homelessness and other disenfranchised populations having no control over their destiny. !! wake up and smell the coffee people!! you chances to make a difference is coming on one day , nov. 6, 2012 election day. It's your chance to get your lifeboat and leave the "titanic" behind with this current president taking us all "down" to a certain and watery "grave". Romney and Ryan are the team for "fiscal accountability" with plans set in stone on an american blueprint that works. America has fallen into the wrong hands!! There is failure everywhere you look in our system, services and with rising populations dependent on weak and inadequate services. Only the strong survive people. Fundamental principles that have led this country to superpowerdom are being neglected and the "selling out of america" , the middle class , the free enterprise system, the capitalistic and free democracy supported by age old christian ethics is under attack by an experiment fostered by liberals, marxists and communists on the radical left wing. A handful of elitists , ruling two classes is a very dangerous enterprise that conflicts with the "small govt" ideaology" that was effective and strong since our nations birth. !! Is there any freedom anywhere?? We are trillions in debt, unprecedented poor credit ratings with no economy to sustain growth or develop new markets and more bad unemployment news daily making me think , folks the picture for america's future is not rosy unless we take "action" at the polls. I recommend Mr. Fix it to the rescue. Mitt Romney is my candidate to win!! He has solid solutions that will get the engine of small business , free enterprise and the economy to get this country rolling again!! Mitt's plans will "jumpstart" the middle class and this is what is essential to recovering america from the depths of this current recession!! This is an abbreviated message today asking everyone to take action and to become proactive in your own destinies!! You must add your voice to the millions asking for justice from the oppression. We can turn this country around. The current President has policies of failure and they must be averted to prevent the next "fiscal armageddon". Please read up on Mitt's plans at his website. to be knowledgeable of the issues facing america!! its not a reality show.. its "reality" and if we don't respond with electing a fit leader, we are kissing our constitutional freedoms good bye forever!! Please elect the American comeback team, Romney and Ryan for a brighter future.. or any future at all!! Business is the lifeblood of our country. We must start our engines and drive new economic growth! Mitt's policies will work based on his understanding of how our economy works. The american people make the difference with small businesses that can thrive under the "right" leadership.
On succinct news we cover top stories that serve our readers. Please take your vote seriously. Watch the last debate on oct. 22, monday and be sure to vote for "leaders" who can "reverse" the damage of bad policy.
This is detective sparks.. seeking independence and pursuit of happiness! I vote for constitutional freedoms and employment for the middle class.
Please visit our sponsors. Many exciting offers are there for your pleasure!
until tomorrow.. stay focused for America's comeback team is on the way!! Get ready to rumble!
Hello readers, We are glad you are joining us at succinct news today. Todays' top story is written by Zachary A. Goldfarb for washington Post with Bloomberg. I encourage all our readers to check the link and become familiar with the most significant topic this election year and that is the ECONOMY OR LACK OF ECONOMY, AS PRESIDENT OBAMA'S POLICIES HAVE FAILED TO SPARK OR BRING ECONOMIC RECOVERY!
So as we head into the weekend and into the reality that our economic future still has clouds of uncertainty and no quick fixes ahead, we must consider how we can control our own destiny! This is an abbreviated edition of Succinct news today for celebration status. (some personal holidays are being observed)! The Fiscal cliff as described in Goldfarb's article, is more apocalyptic news after a long four years of bad news with the Obama administration,. One can say Obama has been damaging to the economy and the experiment is failing. Do you think the last four years of the depression-recession was bad?? We'll that's a good question and where we start today with taking action for "solutions". I would recommend first and foremost that we vote for new leadership in the whitehouse. I can think of two who can reboot this economy and get us rolling towards realistic goals for america again. The candidates I will be choosing of my own free will? Romney and Ryan of course. They are perfectly matched for the challenges america faces ahead! We need solution guys in the white house. Leaders who thrive in pressure and challenging odds. Those who have a proven resume and can bring more to the "table" for the american people who have lost hope and morale. Much like the troops who have been entrenched in traumatic fighting and events, the people are beleagured with burdens brought by this current administration and every domino that could tumble.. has tumbled. there is not one area of the economy that is not going downhill. there are no redeeming "graces", if you will. From domestic to foreign policy, President Obama has disappointed the people again and again. The last straw? The mishandling of the Libyan terrorist event just a few months ago! If national and foreign security is being compromised, what next? another 911 that we can't afford . I think President Obama has dropped the "ball" on far too many security issues and we as "the people" must take action to preserve, protect and defend our lives and country, in other words , take the constitutional oath of office based on President Obama's negligence to fufill his role as commander-in-chief". There is no worse insult to our military, to our people and to those, like me, who love our country than to see the President neglecting his duties at the highest office of public service!! Our founding fathers would be "shocked" at the shabby condition our nation has evolved to with a president who is more concerned about "media, glam and hollywood" than the real issues facing americans starting with jobs and survival!! I recommend we get back on course with Mitt Romney nov. 6, 2012 because the clock is ticking and time is slipping away for democracy to save itself from big corrupt govt. , services and cradle to grave obamacare, death panel included!! President Obama certainly doesn't represent my american experience or my american dream!! He has had no "plan" since being elected for rebooting this country or for "job growth policies".. 4 long years of over 8% unemployment and you know that figure is way low considering the realities of foreclosures, family moving in with family.. and some things that i have personally witnessed that are proof of the middle class being forced into poverty, home sharing, homelessness and other disenfranchised populations having no control over their destiny. !! wake up and smell the coffee people!! you chances to make a difference is coming on one day , nov. 6, 2012 election day. It's your chance to get your lifeboat and leave the "titanic" behind with this current president taking us all "down" to a certain and watery "grave". Romney and Ryan are the team for "fiscal accountability" with plans set in stone on an american blueprint that works. America has fallen into the wrong hands!! There is failure everywhere you look in our system, services and with rising populations dependent on weak and inadequate services. Only the strong survive people. Fundamental principles that have led this country to superpowerdom are being neglected and the "selling out of america" , the middle class , the free enterprise system, the capitalistic and free democracy supported by age old christian ethics is under attack by an experiment fostered by liberals, marxists and communists on the radical left wing. A handful of elitists , ruling two classes is a very dangerous enterprise that conflicts with the "small govt" ideaology" that was effective and strong since our nations birth. !! Is there any freedom anywhere?? We are trillions in debt, unprecedented poor credit ratings with no economy to sustain growth or develop new markets and more bad unemployment news daily making me think , folks the picture for america's future is not rosy unless we take "action" at the polls. I recommend Mr. Fix it to the rescue. Mitt Romney is my candidate to win!! He has solid solutions that will get the engine of small business , free enterprise and the economy to get this country rolling again!! Mitt's plans will "jumpstart" the middle class and this is what is essential to recovering america from the depths of this current recession!! This is an abbreviated message today asking everyone to take action and to become proactive in your own destinies!! You must add your voice to the millions asking for justice from the oppression. We can turn this country around. The current President has policies of failure and they must be averted to prevent the next "fiscal armageddon". Please read up on Mitt's plans at his website. to be knowledgeable of the issues facing america!! its not a reality show.. its "reality" and if we don't respond with electing a fit leader, we are kissing our constitutional freedoms good bye forever!! Please elect the American comeback team, Romney and Ryan for a brighter future.. or any future at all!! Business is the lifeblood of our country. We must start our engines and drive new economic growth! Mitt's policies will work based on his understanding of how our economy works. The american people make the difference with small businesses that can thrive under the "right" leadership.
On succinct news we cover top stories that serve our readers. Please take your vote seriously. Watch the last debate on oct. 22, monday and be sure to vote for "leaders" who can "reverse" the damage of bad policy.
This is detective sparks.. seeking independence and pursuit of happiness! I vote for constitutional freedoms and employment for the middle class.
Please visit our sponsors. Many exciting offers are there for your pleasure!
until tomorrow.. stay focused for America's comeback team is on the way!! Get ready to rumble!
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