hello peeps,
its been 10 months since I last blogged my succinct heart out. I trust all of the peeps have taken various courses that are meaningful and 100% American. As we enter another year of trending politics, there are predictions and forecasts everywhere. January is officially the turn around month. so much happens as we gear up for another year of challenge and balance. I decided making the new years resolutions were a bit redundant and seeing an urgent need to focus on the economy of me.. well. you must first have your financial plans and ducks in a row.. What of those meaningful family businesses when corporate govt. is shutting down the American dream by way of bashing the middle class and families across America.. into smithereens... (smithereens).. is that word still in our dictionaries? our neighborhood kids growing up..used it quite liberally . well.. you get the point.
I can only disclose dirty little secrets of the last ten years in what I call the explosion of big govt. while the "individual" citizen is left traumatized by the loss of freedoms with respect to a once robust American economy and "dream" that was incorporated since our nations founding. what was black is now white..what was up is now down, what had logic and meaning is now dysfunction and ridiculous and sometimes inhumane economies.
What I have witnessed in the last 10 years is the "superimposition" of a welfare dependent nation sucking air from toxic fumes of unfit and corrupt leadership, wiping away the once healthy economies that supported our families and small business. The middle class has been replaced by the dirty little secret.. dls, of cheap labor and really what we have left is a two class system that is breaking down our American culture and making life so adverse, sooooo extreme and sooooo hopeless that my America barely resembles the once proud nation I remember as a youth growing up Fairfield in all its glory! everyday I see more govt. , bigger govt., telling americans what to do.. how to live, what to sacrifice, and yes more govt. invasions of our private health and data.. and ultimately I think this "communistic and Marxist " takeover of our country is the most damaging and shameful all at once! Obamacare has proven to be yet another failing program like medicare , that was a sucker punch to anyone trusting Obama.. meaning the young and very inexperienced bought in and now are victims with rising premiums and disappointing realities. People , People,, People.. unite and do not be victimized again when selecting your new president 2016. We must return to sanity in this country, where criminal elements are not running our govt. and destroying the fabric of America and the American family.. We cannot have a welfare dependent nation to enjoy credibility as we once did as a superpower, supercharged, superdriven nation of fit peeps. The sad story is all around us as in one year , my life and im sure the lives of many who read this, have been on a roller coaster and with "finance" the key word. The most illuminating topic for me, I can say with confidence , has been to take charge of my personal economy and go forward with my plans for small business yet the playing field is hostile. I choose to blaze through unchartered territory with extreme energy and with abandon , to get closer to the "dream" I have burning inside me. It refuses to be extinquished by the liberal far left or by the fanatical radical right.. It is that middle ground, middle America, American dream that I recognize within my spirit.. and what has burned without ceasing , that continues to give me momentum and drive to reach out , reach up and reach within. Americans should not apologize for America. We are the home of ideals and illuminatti secret societies. we are the inventors and innovators that have benefitted mankind. we are the authors of "equality" and the words that resonate "all men are created equal". Don't sell out peeps.. we are still the best country in the world!! I am saddened to hear that Mitt Romney will not be running for president in 2016 because I feel he had his finger on the pulse of America... not once but many times and its because he "cares"..and is genuine about rebooting the American middle class an small business engine. His resume proves he is the man.. and the leader America needs.. but now it will be a "cat and mouse" game to see what GOP candidate will rise to the top. Who will grab the interest of the downtrodden troops of America.. who will peak our relevance in the years ahead and who , will have the confidence, conviction and yes..."faith" to lead thru dark times. we are not out of the woods yet and by all appearances America has many demons to slay to regain our once brilliant system of small , efficient and fit govt. with a commander -in-chief who can relate and give deserving justice to our brave men and women in uniform fighting a global war on terror.
first of all the commander -in-chief , must recognize the subtle yet twisted terror that is growing like a cancer worldwide and call it as it is.. Terrorism. I am not a politician and quite honestly I think the best running govt. is one that is running locally in our communities with fit people. When the villiage is comprised of villiage idiots, its time to take a closer look at what govt. is really doing not for the peeps , but actively doing with policies that damage the peeps.
my hope lies again in the americans who have resilient family ties and strong history , to take back America and infuse it with the life-saving energy that we need to move through the first century of the 21st century!
Business as usual will not meet the challenge. We need a proactive leader who will take the responsibility seriously and perhaps start with the pro=life and culture of life message that is the core and heart of our countries foundation. the profound belief that every life is sacred and every citizen with inalienable freedoms. We have traveled a long way from the simplistic yet meaningful constitution that our founding fathers so artfully mastered with visions that have transcended the ages. What America needs.. is a Rennaissance!! We need protection for the middle class and to eliminate poverty in the years ahead. A two class system has never been successful throughout history. it has only underscored the elements of slavery and abuse. Corporate abuses seems to be running rampant and I have a few personal stories, a few personal tragedies and a few dirty little secrets I could relate to you. . We have all suffered personal tragedies in recent years. Some of us.. have suffered for decades. The moonscape of our country is calling for us, the peeps, to wake up and to take a stand!!
will you join us!! creators, musicians, authors, actors, artists, small businessmen and women, town leaders and community organizers. homeschooling parents and educators, all who are competent and fit.. will you join the American family that holds a mission of "self-govenance" to be the rule and not the exception. That every American know his or her relevance to our country's founding and identity.. and to contribute your very best for a safer, healthier, ethical , intelligent and efficient governing body. Question authority peeps!! its our only hope to bring the standard of success back.. do not be sheep to slaughter or misguided and victims of powerful agents of un-American campaigns. There are peeps who care.. its a matter of study and your candidate research. America is the only country in the world , founded on ideals that produce success , pursuit of happiness and every man as equal , with justice for all. We must take back our courts and authority. We must all be on our Agame.
no tragedy that has befallen us is worse than our neighbors . we have all suffered. Half of the country without jobs.. the elderly without opportunity, many giving up on job search all together, young bright grads who have no jobs and no way to repay student loans, a president who is passing out benefits to illegal aliens and free services to them, without a blink of conscience to those americans who have been deserving of jobs and a secure future who have been denied. in my opinion, we are creating a "new poor class" replacing the middle class and much education and excellence is being devalued with a system that mimics the welfare dependent model that failed.
ah...the solution.. its not another superbowl game , though we have rallied behind the nfl as Americas sport and representative of our struggle and lives. What we can all agree on is that we are all fighting battles everyday that are enormous, unnatural and dysfunctional. only the strongest "survive" is something that has gone from a page to a daily to my daily evolutionary mantra. Does it come down to this? hand to hand combat? It may and we best be prepared and have at least a president who will be focused on uniting our country and rebooting our fragmented economy . While I have optimism that there is a leader in our "midst" and that leader will be a "moses" to lead us out of the desert, my highest hope is that it will be a leader of character and substance who will be the "public servant" that America needs for revival and renaissance. !!! 2015 is here.. and I am ready to rummmmmmble! I am now working with govt. offices for justice long delayed. Family has rallied to support me and I have a great honor if not duty , to fight for my freedoms and represent the American Christian homeschooling family.
while this edition and topic of 2015 is not a prediction or psychic forecast , it is meant to encourage all of you peeps to go forward and make your claim ! take back your freedoms and the first step is to vote.. for a man or woman, with a reputation that is fitting of the highest office in the country. We need a leader who can lead based on true identity with our country and even has served in our countries military. Who would be better to be a public servant than one who knows how precious our freedoms are. ? keep thinking peeps... don't give up.. and jesse and I will be announcing some news coming soon..on the blog.. 2015.. small family businesses are about to begin with policies that can produce success and job security.!
happy super bowl weekend..warriors..
be safe, have fun and remember we celebrate all those who have overcome challenge and inspired us.!!
thank you jesse for inviting me to blog on your succinct news!! it has been my pleasure.!
agent sparks.. reporting from ct.
btw ct. "the constitution state".
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