Sunday, July 15, 2012

"The amateur"

Hello blog ness monsters , avid readers and those who refuse to lose!!
Are you ready for the challenge? Are you doing your homework? Do you know your candidates and what they will "deliver" on the next election if chosen as president? I encourage all of america to stand up and fight for their cause. ! Petition, enter the political process, take back america..and demand "jobs" for the people! Your voice in america, especially the "voice" of the young voting block is appreciated and needed for the "balance" of america's future!! I thank those entreprenuers that are making a difference!! Patience is a virtue but there is no excuse for  bad economies driven by unfit leaders, Do not give up on your american dreams and passions!! I stand by you!! A huge chunk or bite out of our "american identity" has been taken from our american dream. !! We are now in "shark infested" waters where more bites and chunks are taken at will..I usually don't reserve a blog for politics but today it is "required" that you know your candidates, the lawmakers and those that your "tax paying dollars" are supporting!!! Taxes...thats another blog for sure!! The american people are under assault!! I encourage the young voters not to be "fooled" again by the current president, President Obama. He has done more to damage the "young" people of america than any other president in history with his "undermining" of the economy. Young people are not learning skills for survival or even getting that "first" job that builds confidence with financial independence  and gives choices to young america!!  The young americans are "hard hit" by Obamanomics that have afforded "no" opportunity to millions of young , healthy people who are educated and prepared to join the workforce, contribute and participate in society . the american dream..starts there.. with the young people!!! Let me give you an example of a thriving economy vs todays economy. It was not so long ago..There were so many opportunites for me and my peers to build our lives with.. So many employment opportunities, so many ways to build security and finance. Jobs were plentiful and the boomer gen was reaping the benefits of having a "nation" on fire with passion and the american dream. That was the year of geniuses!! The year of unlmited opportunites. The year of starting families and experiencing the best in life..the best that the american dream could offer!! The sky was the limit.. The year was 1978.  Life was good then.. and best of all women were invited , welcomed into the workplace! Women were equals with male counterparts and I personally witnessed this exciting phase of american history. Real estate was my new passion! There was no limit to "continuing" education and no limits to what we could dream  and plan for our children in a robust , thriving and sound economy!  The unemployment rate was low.. and times were the "high life" .to say.. Political science is not my focus of study but "one" cannot ignore the importance of the  "role" as a voter or citizen in a country that is now, in 2012, a country  on "life support" with trillions in debt and unemployment at record highs in all of american history!! Can we assign blame to greedy and corrupt parties?? We can.. Can we assign blame to a president that has no "knowledge" of effective leadership or convictions of the american dream? We can. Can we do something about the scam and con that this president inflicted on the youngest americans ? Who "threw" young americans under the "bus" with promises and sugar coating?? The youngest who had no "experience" or ability to see the scam and purely political ambition of Barak Obama, Pinocchio in the flesh??  Again, I encourage and support the young people to continue to make a difference by voting for Mitt Romney for president 2012. The Mitt difference is the difference young america needs!! He is a role model for what is healthy, passionate and ethical in todays challenging and changing landscape of the american dream. Mitt is a candidate that will "hear and respond" to the young voters voice!! Mitt has the conviction of founding fathers principles that are the blueprint of success for every voter and american, on a basis of equality!! Mitt will focus on bringing jobs back and infusing the middle class with much needed policy changes that promote small businesses to a level of security and give all employers access to affordable healthcare. Obamacare must be repealed if america is too survive!!  Government cannot do the thinking for the peeps!! Its just wrong and you will be managed by cradle to grave , big corrupt govt. and healthcare. If you can't do your own independent thinking peeps.. you are buying into your "own" early death and taking stock in the shovel of dirt that is going to "bury" you!! When in history has "govt" ever given dependents anything but inferior care and insecurity!! Govt. dependency creates the "vacuum" that we are witnessing now.. a "vacuum" or "black hole " of knowledge, ambition, passion and the american dream!! We are losing our national identity as independent thinkers who can self-govern , who have highly sophisticated skills and networks.. Yes, the young people must rise up..and they must think for themselves. !! They must own their own "businesses" and "thrive" not just "survive".. I invite the peeps and the young "peeps" to the table . I must include this link.. and please read for yourself.
 why you should not vote for President Obama after his "failed" policies and leadership have led this country is a toxic direction.  A nation that always held convictions of worth  and respected life and especially the life of young america!! we must restore confidence and the american dream with a candidate who has "lived" the american experience and knows how to "fix" what is "broken" with the economy . A candidate who makes no apology for his success as a capitalist is what we want in america!! We don't want government dependency. It is "unamerican"  when govt. grows large and corrupt. We are all being bullied by "hood america" and not living our dreams based on this undercurrent of criminal and unconstitutional govt. activitiy.  The govt. peeps is ruled for and by the "people".. its time for the american comeback.. and i count on you..young america , to make it happen!! no teen who is willing and wanting to work should be denied the opportunity. Every young american should have "access" to employment.. to a piece of the dream.. and to a lifetime of job and financial security.. Every single young person.. in my campaign would have "access". This is how leaders of tomorrow are made!! You must know the american experience and capitalism as the for profit and healthy choice that is has "historically" been defined!!There is no greed or corruption when capitalism works for the america people. There is success and the pursuit of happiness!! Happiness that is built on freedoms not "control" of a govt. that will "smother" the life out of you!! Govt. is the enemy. With MItt Romney you will see a downsizing and reduction of big govt!! Mitt will give the jobs back to the peeps, where they belong!! Capitalism  builds a society of business , free enterprise entreprenuers, independent thinkers, inventors and leaders who contribute and in turn, create more jobs for the peeps. The capitalist system is democracy!!  and it works by keeping ethical standards that our founding fathers embedded in our nations founding documents!! Know your american history!! stake your claim to the "american dream"!! I know you wont be fooled again peeps. You will vote for the real Mccoy..and not a phony image. You will vote for what has been "rational" and "successful" in american history. You will vote for a man who has the "courage" to do what he says and keep his promises . The key character issue for  a winning candidate for president is wisdom and experience. Mitt Romney is the President you want to represent you and your "voice". Vote ! make your voice "heard" because Mitt will hear and respond with policies that are beneficial to the health of young americans and the economy!! You can take charge young america. It's what you are destined to do!
Detective sparks..igniting all over the place!! I am a defender and child advocate.. and i defend the right of young america to evolve and know.. the best experience of all.. is the "american experience" , the "american dream".. without young people who dream.. our country is lost. We need the "right" president who can make all the difference for seeing your dreams come true! Keep reading blog ness monsters.. we need you!!
Please enjoy our sponsors and click on the ads that interest you. No purchase is necessary. We always enjoy your feedback and comments and will include them in future blogs. We hope to see you back here at Jesse's succinct news.. blogging our hearts out..just for you young america!! We hear you!!
until next time.. keep peeping and blogging you way to freedom. Thank you for your support.!

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