Sunday, June 19, 2011

Employment/Unemployment Insights here on Succinct.

Today is Sunday, June 19th, and today I woke up with the Employment topic still on my mind.  I can't tell you how many different jobs I've researched, applied for, interviewed for, and how many industries and positions I've worked in.  I've developed an understanding on how everything works when it comes to the employment topic.

The trick with work is that while we all want to work, we also dread it sometimes too, because many of the current jobs we simply do not want.  Who knows if the job will even exist in six months from now? This fact cannot be any more true than right now, while the economy seems to be in a major transition.  Manufacturing has shifted to places like China, and now our economy focuses on information technology and consulting.

And so I'm here today,  providing all the consulting I possibly can.  Stay tuned.  Happy Father's Day!

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