Sunday, June 19, 2011

If the world were filled with people like me, there'd be no such thing as the light bulb

Sad but true, however the all of us would surely be talking about how intriguing it would be to invent one lol.  It's ok, I'm not bitter, I just think of silly things like this to remind myself that we all have different strengths, and the beauty of this world, and this country, is that we all have the freedom to pursue the interests that most draw us.  Think about it, there are 7 billion people on this planet.  Doesn't that seem like overkill?  Like perhaps there are many duplicates?!  However on the other side of the coin, you could say how amazing it is that there are so many people, all unique, adding different perspectives and contributions to the whole.  It's like they say --  I'm unique, just like everybody else    lol.

It makes me feel special, to be who I am, that there's no one just like me.  And no country does it better than the U.S.  The real strength of this country is that there is such a wide variety of people here, all working together to accomplish many diverse tasks.  It's nice knowing that my strengths GET NOTICED, but my weaknesses are easily helped out by others -- like, I've never changed my own oil, and maybe I never will.  But my boy Rick at the Mobil, he knows cars well, so I'm all set.  Now here's where the American dollar steps in.  The dollar isn't meant to be something good or bad, it's simply an option-opener.  When you acquire dollars, you are free to choose how those dollars are spent.

Just be careful of all the television ads!  Just because they tell you that you need something, doesn't mean that you do!!  Keep that in mind  :)

So I will keep writing and telling you all I know, because this is what I do.  I'm always here to help.  Holler at me,

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