Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Real Truth on the Job Market and the U.S. Economy

As a descendent of colonial Americans, I'm proud to know of many insights specific to our local and national economy.  We've already taken a look at how to focus on our careers and put our best foot forward, so now let's take a look at the socioeconomic environment.

You see, there are many things we can do as individuals to make ourselves better workers, but if we don't pay attention to the economy, then we don't know which jobs are in demand.  Healthcare has the biggest demand, you can't lose.  Accounting and financial services is excellent, as well as engineering.  Any type of production job, including construction, is extremely RISKY.  This includes jobs in the arts and entertainment.

It's really easy to find an amazing career.  Think of everything you know about the economy, now think of everyone in your life.  Tell me, what could all of these people use help with?  Now tell me, what are you good at that other people in your life aren't good at?  Now tell me one more  thing, what jobs do all of these people you know do?  Which person are you most similar to, would you like to have a job like them?

I bet that there is at least ONE person in your life that, if you spend time with them, will give you the answer you are looking for.  There are SO many opportunities right at our fingertips!  It's a clear case of something being right in front of your nose, but you just refused to see it.

Oh, and remember, you're unique and special, no one does anything quite like you.  So when you speak to others about it, remember to ask them THEIR goals.  Then you can tell them if you are interested in helping them achieve their goals, and if so, what exactly you are able to contribute to their business.  Tell this person your goals, and IT'S OK if you can't follow their exact requests, because YOUR goals will always be different than THEIRS.

It's nice to have business relationships that last forever rather than pretentious ones that lead to great work, but than end too quickly because your real intentions weren't clear from the beginning.

Be true to yourself, and then being true to others will be simple!

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