Friday, June 29, 2012

R.A. Dickey takes on a vertical challenge and a baseball star is born. hello Met fans, You know R.A.Dickey is doing great things with his "knuckleball". How is R.A. Dickey transforming Mets baseball. ?? It's a high pressure and high-tech game of strategy now.. but R.A. Dickey found away to literally "climb" his way to the top!! Dickey is 37 years old and just getting into his game-winning stride. It wasn't always easy for Dickey.There were many twists and turns for Dickey as he perfected his game and game face.  Click this link fans and you will find that there's more to the baseball "diamond" than meets the eye. It turns out that Dickey had some heavenly "inspiration" and used it as a game changer in his sport. Enjoy your favorite teams this summer and for a few special friends out there.. Go Mets!!!  We hope you check back to Jesse's blog fast and furious because the "change up" pitch is always here.. and you just have to "be here" to experience the good times. We thank our sponsers who keep the wheels spinnng and invite you to click on any of our ads to investigate products and services. Until next time.. its "game time".  projcentertainment sponsors jesse's blogspot,  Where you will find a "piece of mind". Coming soon, more of jesse's independent acting and film projects that will be showcased "right here" on jesse's blog.  Have a great independence day and always look for the "bright" side of life and that may be from a "moutain-top view".

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