Saturday, June 30, 2012

cycling fans.. tdf opening day today!!

Hello friends of jesse's blog,
The Tour De France has begun!! we dont have GPS so you must check the map to follow the race. You can buy in for a livestream on NBC sports for the entire tour @ 29.99 or 4.99 per stage. This link here will give TDF news daily and you might get lucky with some live feed or video's at no charge. ! (i've got your back peeps).. . It promises to be an exicting race as new leaders start to take  the challenge. Cadel Evans will be a contender and many of the younger riders are now getting the xperience they need to challenge the veterans.. You can check the schedule and map daily and see your favorite riders..ride like the wind!! Just bookmark the link, so you dont miss any of the action.. from June 30 to July 24 and the final lap into Paris at the Champs D'lyssee, you will be thrilled by the extreme performance of these competitive and spirited racers!! Allez-Allez!! Enjoy the race peeps!!  A kind thanks to our sponsors here at the blog page  and those who are sponsoring the tour de france!! We at jesse's blog hope you and your friends and family enjoy the sport of "cycling". It's a great american sport and we share the interest with our friends in France who stage this epic event every year!! Merci! We will be bringing more updates from the jesse's blog as the "teams" develop their rythm and leaders start to "break away". !! Of course, a big part of me is missing my hero Lance Armstrong in this race as the legitimate "7 title" maillot jeune winner! I wish Lance the best as his battle begins in defending those "titles" that were hard won. Until next time, this is detective sparks.. "lighting up" for the tour de france.!

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