Wednesday, June 27, 2012

the young shia  hello film and acting friends, Shia Labeouf just celebrated his 26th birthday.. This disney star had a few gold opportunities that led him to the stardust with players like Speilberg and Harrison Ford just to name a few. Young Shia is enjoying the good life!! Some are just "lucky" and get all the "breaks". Read more about Shia on the people link. All credit to the photographers and editors of people magazine. We like to showcase successful actors here at jesse's blog where everyone is invited to share. We want to wish Shia continued success as he is one of the legends in the making and only 26 years old. Our birthday shine wishes go to Shia for his June Birthday. I think jesse and Shia would be a great team for the next Indiana Jones movie.. There will be a sequel..won't there? Projcentertainment sponsors this message. We want to thank our sponsors who bring us an assortment of great products and services on jesse's blog page. Come back to see us soon ! Jesse's blog is open 24x7 for entertainment updates. Let us know what you think of our articles.? we welcome your ideas.  detective sparks reporting for BTS, behind the scenes entertainment news. Enjoy all the talent that is available on where samples of jesse's creative work will be sure to impress you. bye for now.

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