Wednesday, June 27, 2012

lance armstrong's perpetual battle for the glory!

hello sports enthuisiasts, fitness fans and fans of the tour de france.. Im appalled to hear that Lance is back in the line of fire of allegations that "tarnish" his invincible status as 7 time winner of the tour de france!! Lance made this sport!! He brought huge media attention to what was a lackluster event..with huge "american" driven interest.. Lance is owed gratitude and honor for his role of battling through cancer and battling through the tour!! There is no one that can equal "lances" incredible courage both on and off the tour!! IN life Lance has conquered his demons of cancer and his "live strong" foundation lives strong!! Why are we attacking what appears to me, as the greatest champion and team leader of the Tour De France!! Is it that age old.. french vs american thing?? you know...the politics?? i can't figure out why Lance, one of the foremost talents of the cycling sport is still the subject of scandal!!  My heart goes out to Lance. I know what its like to be "hunted down", "targeted:" , "discriminated against for years...and always have the challenge of scandal in my face trying to assault my character. Lance is beyond the small talk and will win in the end. The fans will support Lance and for all the right reasons. This man has done more for mankind through his endless charity for cancer research and cure as much as his dedication to the sport of cycling!!  i think someone has a case of "sour grapes"... and its definitely directed at our "american TDF legend". We are on your side Lance... your fans stand with you!! don't give up!!  read more about Lance with this link. All credit to the writers and staff in the people article and those photographers who have given their talent to People Magaizine.,,20603942,00.html
What is your view? Do you think Lance is the Legitimate winner of the tour de france? Do you think drugs have corrupted every sport in america and even in worldwide sports and events , Like the tour de france?? How can we protect the innocent in a drug culture that wants to claim the "careers" of exceptionally talented men and women with "false" results for testing or errors in testing. What are the politics involved in damaging Lance's total dedication and skill in the Tour de France race!!  Who actually does the drug testing and how carefully is it managed??  We welcome your feedback and hope you will continue to read on Jesse's blog page. !! Come back soon and often.. We are all friends here at Jesse's blog and we beleive a person is "innocent" until proven guilty. thats the way our "constitutional law" works best.  Lance is innocent.  projcentertainment sponsers daily blogs for jesse cannella, professional actor and model .

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