Tuesday, June 26, 2012

homeschooling, the remedy for corporate chaos

http://www.hslda.org/courtreport/Archives.asp?Year=1996  Hello folks, I invite you to read about Homeschooling Legal Defense association and their many cases that are won with "constitutional law". Homeschooling in America dates back to our constitution, bill of rights and amendment rights. You could say Homeschooling was the schooling in our country in the beginning and many of our first presidents were homeschoooled including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. A parents rights and authority to direct their own childs education and raise them without govt. intrusions or invasions is embedded in our first amendment where passing values and christian history is protected by law. Homeschooling has been under assault based on unsubstaniated views about "social" interaction. That is a myth brought by a sour grapes element in our society. Homeschoolers have access to all the important aspects of socialization on the samel level  of private or public schools including social events, homeschooling support groups, access to pubic school gyms for sports, competitions for science fairs and many other worthwhile opportunities for social in the community.Many times homeschooling parents , are the leaders in the community, the church , the family business, on and on.  There has been much discrimination to homeschoolers regarding school superintendents who may heap on "illegal" demands of paperwork or other controls that are not legal but arbitrary. I have included a link here to the archives in 1996. That was the year my son, age 10, was taken from our private home without evidence to substantiate allegations that were later found to be false. The start of the case is something like your worst "nightmare" or a page from the Hollocaust. The details will be described in a book at some point as my personal homeschooling  case and appeal go on vs DSS in mass. I would describe the actions of DSS workers and agents as those of "bullies" , even "criminals" with no basis for their actions except "hate" for homeschoolers. It is a tragedy, one that is on-going for my family. For the homeschooling families, and the numbers are growing, I give thanks for your support in the years that followed the "illegal and unconstitutional" home invasion by DSS authorities and my personal anquish  at the failure of the judicial system. The homeschooling alert network has been built so that other children might be spared, what my child was forced to suffer. I encourage every parent, whether homeschooling or not, to become informed on your homeschooling communities and how these important bonds with our connected families are for protection and safety of  our children in a world that is growing with hostility and meaningless crime. Homeschooling is every bit as legit as any public or private school program. In fact, the father of homeschooling was a principal in the 60's and has authored books that shed light on the success of homeschooling as cultivating gifted students.His name , John Holt from Massachussetts.  One of the most poignant messages i understood from reading Holt's books was a phrase used about "classroom management". He related that due to the baby boom population explosion , teaching numbers of pupils directed the focus of educators on classroom management rather than focusing on the "individual" learning plan. The focus on allowing children to experience the natural curiousity and exploration they might know in  a smaller class or a lower teacher to student ratio, was the successful element of homeschooling with parent and child. The homeschooling movement has boomed in recent years. The stats are showing more than 2 million families now homeschool in america while the international homeschooling population is also rising. For families that are mobile, families who are headed by diplomats and those that are constently in transit, homeschooling is the perfect choice. Children cannot be enrolled and withdrawn from many schools or programs without some serious problems that impact their development. Families who want independence and especially parents who want "authority" in the matters of their childrens education are seeing homeschooling as the only choice to preserve values that public schools are eroding. Children are not products or numbers. They are beautiful gifts and miracles and need the support of fit parents who take the responsibility of parenting seriously. I encourage our readers to learn more about homeschooling and see how these students are the gifted leaders of tomorrow. Check the link for the archives of cases that HSLDA has won and learn more about Patrick Henry College, a college for homeschooled children. The first college of its kind. You will be amazed at what these students are accomplishing in communities as volunteers and gifted leaders.
There are no limits that we put on our homeschooled children. They are self-sufficient and with  resilient character,  prepared for life and prepared to lead. I will be making a petition for the revisiting of "HONDA" a non-discrimination homeschool act that was taken up by the Dept. of education but not passed in 2003. We need a federal homeschooling law that protects our children in their homes from the unwanted intrustions of agencies and workers that have "criminal motives". There must be equality and meaning to our homeschooling laws. Constitutional law must be "upheld" in the courtrooms of america. Our children and the future are  at risk if we don't protect the most innocent resource of society. Our youth. American traditions and freedoms are under assault. We must stand united against the "elements" in society that are undermining our children's health , education and potential. For the homeschooling support leaders, groups and families  that keep the "child first", I give thanks and credit for your endless energy and passion to keep home-education the most successful education a child can experience. What we know as parents about our children, enables us to give them the best advantage in a home where love and christian faith is practiced as our founding fathers would agree. Morals taught in the home by fit parents  are as important as the academic pursuit  and we are evidencing in our nation, the results of education without ethics..or widespread corruption even at the highest level of government. A case for homeschooling wins everytime when compared to corporate institutional programs that do not put the child first.  The bonds we establish with our children are  based on truth and trust, love, attention and responsiveness. Fitness is required 24x7 by parents who want to take on the challenge and direct the education of their children. homeschooling is as natural as "moms apple pie".
I will be adding more blogs on homeschooling and encourage young families who are considering this lifestyle for their children to prepare by reading and studying the homeschooling movement. You can join Homeschooling legal defense association as a member and receive legal protection that is vital in cases where challenges from services are purely political in nature and motivation. HSLDA has many opportunities listed and up to date stories that inspire. The homeschooling channel is also a very helpful resource for homeschooling families who want relevant topics.  Please visit www.HSLDA.org to learn more. Homeschooling is an investment that every parent cherishes when it is a choice.  Everyone should be "homeschool literate" because in reality.. homeschooling is the time well spent with our children.
until next time.. this is yvonne , contributing editor for Jesse's Succinct news..
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