hello readers and entertainment friends,
Today i see a headline in the celebrities, who's who with Katie holmes and Tom Cruise and divorce battle heating up! It seems the fairytale beginnings, the magic and sparks igniting, the lightning bolts, were not enough for Katie and Tom. Ambitious women and Ambitious men in the film industry, like Tom and kate, ultimately seem to suffer some of the most "down and dirty" divorce circuses. Their wedding in the castle d"italy..and the unfolding of their story as new parents with daughter Suri, seemed to affirm to all the fans that high profile actors and actresses could lead a "functional life" as parents, even in the fish bowl and spotlight that the industry brings. All the paparatzi and focus in the world seemed to center on Suri as the beautiful lucky charm with not one but two equally famous parents. For me personally, it is a cinderella and prince charming story that I know too well. Wanting equality as a woman with an older and more "financially" fit spouse, in the extremely competitive film industry where all your moves, looks, words are measured each day and analyzed to death by tabloids , brings certain politics into play. While many women speak equality, the reality is that a woman's salary is much less than a man's salary who performs the same career. Women who have young children are especially tortured in divorce. All minor children needing mega financing and two parents on a collision course is well, overwhelming for most moms who lets say are "stay at home" moms and in a very bad position to compete with the "dad" who has made a solid start in a corporate career and has the "deck" of cards in his favor. While Katie has been taking roles and has a career that can stand on its own, she is up against a man who has built a career over decades and according to recent reports is the "wealthiest" male actor out there. I mean who doesnt love tom and the "evolution" of tom. It's that nasty scientology that really bugs me..!! I tend to agree with Kate on the "brainwashing" and "cultish" actvities that the church of scientology may be inflicting on her young and fragile daughter. After reading some of the "methods" used by scientology i can tell you i would not want any of my children being exposed to those "methods". I have faith, I have practiced my faith and hold to it, though i feel strongly that the christian evolution involves being "independent" and not "dependent" on cults or those that want to manipulate you or use you as slave labor. I truly was up against the "man cult" and i feel Katie Holmes could relate. Strong , powerful men want to deal the cards and tell you how to play the game and then "own you". It is not healthy for children, Suri or any others to witness the political assaults to their mother based on her "choices" with her faith and pursuit of happiness and equality. Equality just doesn't happen in cults or churches that keep women "down" in the ranks and are predominantly about the "male" ordered heirarchy. I'm sure many female readers here today can recall or are in the midst of a battle for their indpendence, including financial indpendence that so few women have. In reality, divorce leaves the woman at a much more disadvantaged state and the children suffer that discrepancy too. I have no regrets for wanting my authority, indpendence and equality in a marriage though the catholic church disapproved. I know i have unshakable faith that serves me and i know i have committed no offenses to any that caused permanent harm or damage. Yes, im bold, yes i take on challenge and welcome it, yes i am woman and yes i want my fair share of justice and equality in my career and in life. As much as I have always admired Tom Cruise and still do. Im a true blue fan, I have to in the end , relate to Katie as a mother and career woman. She must preserve her own identity and that involves a "break" from Tom and the church to "survive". Its a tough situation as i stated based on the two super powers of the screen with egos that must match their magnitude as successful film stars. There is no easy answer. For Suri I would totally want to protect her from any more cult activities as revealed by Kate with regard to scientology. I totally would do and actually "did" make the same decision vs relgious cults. ! You must think of your child first. Its a natural instinct when a fit mother. Tom has lost another wife to "scientology", Nicole kidman and you could say , Mimi Rodgers too, though she had no children with Tom. Tom must take a reality check and time out to re-evaluate at this point. Prince Charming is losing charm fast and the "church of scientolgy" may be why. I understand Tom had a very chaotic childhood and may have some "identity" issues with that. The church comes in to "act" as a parent in many cases. Sometimes the "church" can act as an "unfit or surrogate" parent too.. just as the "govt" or "institutions" fail to protect the people in "reality". Be careful what you wish for is my everlasting mantra.. Another member in my family has been associated with the Jehovah witnesses. It is a very controlling and again, sometimes "unfit" parent, seeking total devotion from followers but again, where women are "subordinates" to men and not equals. I wish the best for Tom, Katie and Suri in this high-profile divorce. However the chips fall, the child should be protected from "harm" with regard to "political and religious" attempts to degrade Kate, the mother. Tom must be gracious and move from his own personal anger and need for vengence and realize that this may be a "blessing" rather than a "curse" because Katie will instinctively do what every good mother does and her "evolution" as a person with her own "identity" is the most valuable thing for Suri at this age. To witness her moms courage in the face of the opposing parties is what Suri needs as healing if the scientologists have threatened both Kate and her daughter. For those on the outside looking in things look like a day at the "beach" for Kate, Suri and Tom, but Katie alone knows what the "truth" is about scientology and for me that's enough to trust her "judgements" on it and why she wants to leave it behind. There's part of me.. that definitely wore "kate's shoes". When it comes to your children, a mom must defend, protect and finance , even if your dad is "tom cruise". People are people, no matter the status.. when it comes to cinderella and prince charming, fairytales end, people fail and fall into traps or vices that can destroy the fabric of a marriage . There's no doubt the pressure on power couples like Tom and Kate, Jolie and Brad, Mitt and Ann Romney or others in the spotlight 24x7 , are under extreme scrutiny, extreme invasions of privacy, and extreme "x-games" if you will. How you "respond and react" to those pressures is vital for the health of a marriage. When there are "third" parties or "religions" that add layers of complexity and politics.. well.. for me that is where i draw the line in the sand. No one should sacrifice their child. their health or well-being or their "independence" for a controlling husband or man-cult. Fairytales end in nightmares and it seems so wrong and is. There will be no justice for the children caught in the cross-fire but a parent living in slavery, that is a more damaging life for a child. Women must have equality in the marriage and sadly when they don't they have to seek it in divorce. My ex was most controlling and became even more consumed in the divorce. His control cost me job after job due to excessive court dates. It became all about the money and still is. Money is still the biggest factor for "inequality" for women in the courtroom and in life. We are simply out "gunned" and "stripped" of our financial security in a man's world. Hopefully, katie will receive a fair settlement. Its all up to the "drama gods" now..It seems in divorce we have little control as parents of our own "destiny", having survived one divorce and many financial setbacks since then. Life can become a roller coaster or merry -go-round ride that never ends. When children depend on their parents for financial security, staying on the "rides" too long can be toxic. You have the cards you were dealt, you have to know when to" hold them and know when to fold them". Smart parents will always take action to preserve their authority and freedoms for themselves and their children. As i was saying, Bible study and faith are good things to teach in the home to your children , where interests are not motivated by politics or profit or corruptionor should not be tainted by explotation of the child. My bonds with my children are about truth and trust. Sometimes "truth" is never honored in the courtrooms and for many ambitious women who seek equality and justice, the rulings fail and fall short and even serve as lifelong discrimination and damage. Maybe that courtroom and politcal adversity will change and maybe it will change with this "cinderella and prince charming" story that is larger than life. Can we just be "people" who love our children for once!! without the meddling in-laws or religions that want to "control" us!! without excessive force and intrusions from govt. agencies!!! Can parents just do what is natural and fit?? Can they just be the "parents" they were born to be? Parents must have authority and independence. A child needs to see that from parents and not "dependency" and "weakness". There will be more to come on this blog.. and the "dangers" of politics in the public school classrooms of america as Divorce and strategy, go beyond what is safe and healthy for a child of divorce.
detective sparks, speaking up for the voice of the "child" and the mom who needs to "grow" as a person with her own "identity".
Please come back soon and enjoy our blogs and those that sponsor "jesse's succinct news". We hope you are enjoying a safe summer with your families and putting those children with young minds and sensitive hearts first. There is nothing more important than the gift we have in our "children" and nothing more devastating than divorce that shatters a family. Moms and dads are teams and should share in the upbringing of their children with faith and focus but there must be mutual respect and equality that rules the marriage.Only jesus in the marriage gives you this "balance". This is what children need. A sense of identity from both parents as equals and a willingness to follow biblical precepts of success in relationships. Its not about organized religion folks..but you as a parent and professional and what you impart with your children on a one to one basis in the most invested relationships of your lives that matter most. Jesus is a model of humanity and people must model this.. Our country is being controlled by cannabalizing forces that are just about corporate greed and big stardust money!! Put on your suits of armor!! Prepare for battle. Parental authority is greater than any other authority except Gods divine authority. God created adam and eve, as equals and team players vs the world. ! I leave you with these words,
"perfect love casts out all fear". We are all victimized by terror and there is a "winning way" to do battle.
Today i see a headline in the celebrities, who's who with Katie holmes and Tom Cruise and divorce battle heating up! It seems the fairytale beginnings, the magic and sparks igniting, the lightning bolts, were not enough for Katie and Tom. Ambitious women and Ambitious men in the film industry, like Tom and kate, ultimately seem to suffer some of the most "down and dirty" divorce circuses. Their wedding in the castle d"italy..and the unfolding of their story as new parents with daughter Suri, seemed to affirm to all the fans that high profile actors and actresses could lead a "functional life" as parents, even in the fish bowl and spotlight that the industry brings. All the paparatzi and focus in the world seemed to center on Suri as the beautiful lucky charm with not one but two equally famous parents. For me personally, it is a cinderella and prince charming story that I know too well. Wanting equality as a woman with an older and more "financially" fit spouse, in the extremely competitive film industry where all your moves, looks, words are measured each day and analyzed to death by tabloids , brings certain politics into play. While many women speak equality, the reality is that a woman's salary is much less than a man's salary who performs the same career. Women who have young children are especially tortured in divorce. All minor children needing mega financing and two parents on a collision course is well, overwhelming for most moms who lets say are "stay at home" moms and in a very bad position to compete with the "dad" who has made a solid start in a corporate career and has the "deck" of cards in his favor. While Katie has been taking roles and has a career that can stand on its own, she is up against a man who has built a career over decades and according to recent reports is the "wealthiest" male actor out there. I mean who doesnt love tom and the "evolution" of tom. It's that nasty scientology that really bugs me..!! I tend to agree with Kate on the "brainwashing" and "cultish" actvities that the church of scientology may be inflicting on her young and fragile daughter. After reading some of the "methods" used by scientology i can tell you i would not want any of my children being exposed to those "methods". I have faith, I have practiced my faith and hold to it, though i feel strongly that the christian evolution involves being "independent" and not "dependent" on cults or those that want to manipulate you or use you as slave labor. I truly was up against the "man cult" and i feel Katie Holmes could relate. Strong , powerful men want to deal the cards and tell you how to play the game and then "own you". It is not healthy for children, Suri or any others to witness the political assaults to their mother based on her "choices" with her faith and pursuit of happiness and equality. Equality just doesn't happen in cults or churches that keep women "down" in the ranks and are predominantly about the "male" ordered heirarchy. I'm sure many female readers here today can recall or are in the midst of a battle for their indpendence, including financial indpendence that so few women have. In reality, divorce leaves the woman at a much more disadvantaged state and the children suffer that discrepancy too. I have no regrets for wanting my authority, indpendence and equality in a marriage though the catholic church disapproved. I know i have unshakable faith that serves me and i know i have committed no offenses to any that caused permanent harm or damage. Yes, im bold, yes i take on challenge and welcome it, yes i am woman and yes i want my fair share of justice and equality in my career and in life. As much as I have always admired Tom Cruise and still do. Im a true blue fan, I have to in the end , relate to Katie as a mother and career woman. She must preserve her own identity and that involves a "break" from Tom and the church to "survive". Its a tough situation as i stated based on the two super powers of the screen with egos that must match their magnitude as successful film stars. There is no easy answer. For Suri I would totally want to protect her from any more cult activities as revealed by Kate with regard to scientology. I totally would do and actually "did" make the same decision vs relgious cults. ! You must think of your child first. Its a natural instinct when a fit mother. Tom has lost another wife to "scientology", Nicole kidman and you could say , Mimi Rodgers too, though she had no children with Tom. Tom must take a reality check and time out to re-evaluate at this point. Prince Charming is losing charm fast and the "church of scientolgy" may be why. I understand Tom had a very chaotic childhood and may have some "identity" issues with that. The church comes in to "act" as a parent in many cases. Sometimes the "church" can act as an "unfit or surrogate" parent too.. just as the "govt" or "institutions" fail to protect the people in "reality". Be careful what you wish for is my everlasting mantra.. Another member in my family has been associated with the Jehovah witnesses. It is a very controlling and again, sometimes "unfit" parent, seeking total devotion from followers but again, where women are "subordinates" to men and not equals. I wish the best for Tom, Katie and Suri in this high-profile divorce. However the chips fall, the child should be protected from "harm" with regard to "political and religious" attempts to degrade Kate, the mother. Tom must be gracious and move from his own personal anger and need for vengence and realize that this may be a "blessing" rather than a "curse" because Katie will instinctively do what every good mother does and her "evolution" as a person with her own "identity" is the most valuable thing for Suri at this age. To witness her moms courage in the face of the opposing parties is what Suri needs as healing if the scientologists have threatened both Kate and her daughter. For those on the outside looking in things look like a day at the "beach" for Kate, Suri and Tom, but Katie alone knows what the "truth" is about scientology and for me that's enough to trust her "judgements" on it and why she wants to leave it behind. There's part of me.. that definitely wore "kate's shoes". When it comes to your children, a mom must defend, protect and finance , even if your dad is "tom cruise". People are people, no matter the status.. when it comes to cinderella and prince charming, fairytales end, people fail and fall into traps or vices that can destroy the fabric of a marriage . There's no doubt the pressure on power couples like Tom and Kate, Jolie and Brad, Mitt and Ann Romney or others in the spotlight 24x7 , are under extreme scrutiny, extreme invasions of privacy, and extreme "x-games" if you will. How you "respond and react" to those pressures is vital for the health of a marriage. When there are "third" parties or "religions" that add layers of complexity and politics.. well.. for me that is where i draw the line in the sand. No one should sacrifice their child. their health or well-being or their "independence" for a controlling husband or man-cult. Fairytales end in nightmares and it seems so wrong and is. There will be no justice for the children caught in the cross-fire but a parent living in slavery, that is a more damaging life for a child. Women must have equality in the marriage and sadly when they don't they have to seek it in divorce. My ex was most controlling and became even more consumed in the divorce. His control cost me job after job due to excessive court dates. It became all about the money and still is. Money is still the biggest factor for "inequality" for women in the courtroom and in life. We are simply out "gunned" and "stripped" of our financial security in a man's world. Hopefully, katie will receive a fair settlement. Its all up to the "drama gods" now..It seems in divorce we have little control as parents of our own "destiny", having survived one divorce and many financial setbacks since then. Life can become a roller coaster or merry -go-round ride that never ends. When children depend on their parents for financial security, staying on the "rides" too long can be toxic. You have the cards you were dealt, you have to know when to" hold them and know when to fold them". Smart parents will always take action to preserve their authority and freedoms for themselves and their children. As i was saying, Bible study and faith are good things to teach in the home to your children , where interests are not motivated by politics or profit or corruptionor should not be tainted by explotation of the child. My bonds with my children are about truth and trust. Sometimes "truth" is never honored in the courtrooms and for many ambitious women who seek equality and justice, the rulings fail and fall short and even serve as lifelong discrimination and damage. Maybe that courtroom and politcal adversity will change and maybe it will change with this "cinderella and prince charming" story that is larger than life. Can we just be "people" who love our children for once!! without the meddling in-laws or religions that want to "control" us!! without excessive force and intrusions from govt. agencies!!! Can parents just do what is natural and fit?? Can they just be the "parents" they were born to be? Parents must have authority and independence. A child needs to see that from parents and not "dependency" and "weakness". There will be more to come on this blog.. and the "dangers" of politics in the public school classrooms of america as Divorce and strategy, go beyond what is safe and healthy for a child of divorce.
detective sparks, speaking up for the voice of the "child" and the mom who needs to "grow" as a person with her own "identity".
Please come back soon and enjoy our blogs and those that sponsor "jesse's succinct news". We hope you are enjoying a safe summer with your families and putting those children with young minds and sensitive hearts first. There is nothing more important than the gift we have in our "children" and nothing more devastating than divorce that shatters a family. Moms and dads are teams and should share in the upbringing of their children with faith and focus but there must be mutual respect and equality that rules the marriage.Only jesus in the marriage gives you this "balance". This is what children need. A sense of identity from both parents as equals and a willingness to follow biblical precepts of success in relationships. Its not about organized religion folks..but you as a parent and professional and what you impart with your children on a one to one basis in the most invested relationships of your lives that matter most. Jesus is a model of humanity and people must model this.. Our country is being controlled by cannabalizing forces that are just about corporate greed and big stardust money!! Put on your suits of armor!! Prepare for battle. Parental authority is greater than any other authority except Gods divine authority. God created adam and eve, as equals and team players vs the world. ! I leave you with these words,
"perfect love casts out all fear". We are all victimized by terror and there is a "winning way" to do battle.
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