Tuesday, July 17, 2012

honda is bright green!! red white and blue !! a tribute to an american dream and business.


hello readers of positive news and energy!! Today I have a great topic for you!! It combines the american dream with more of the american dream..for the biggest "bang" for your american buck.! I think we may add this kind of article weekly to our succinct news blog, just because no one is really sounding the "trumpet" on these great american businesses that are getting it right!! Okay..let's showcase "honda" today.. At first glance you might think this is another foreign car made in another country!! wrong!! Honda is made in america, adding jobs for americans and what could be better!! It is a company that has embraced the "green" message in a big and meaningful way!! Honda manufacturers have bought into the clean energy that is available to make their buildings and manufacturing plants enviormental friendly! They are setting the trends for lower impact on our landfills and using solar clean energy to produce their energy at their plants with no detrimental effects on employees or enviorment.!! WOW..i can't beleive i missed this honda article in april!! Honda is a company that is my kind of "corporate"!! i give HONDA  the solar green star!! for all corporates growing jobs for americans, giving employees the green edge..and doing it all for the american dream.. and for the "glory" of the american free enterprise capitalist system that works for the people!! It doesn't get any better than this my friends,.It's not easy being "green" in a job market that is down in the "dumps" but somehow HONDA made it happen!! Honda is keeping the american dream going fast and furious!! It would be great to see Honda invest in other green businesses and become a "model" green business for our country!! Where are all the trumpets for this amaaaaaaazing story of human perseverence!! The only thing Honda needs is perhaps more development of the electric vehicles or synthetic fuels..  HONDA.. IS WINNING !!  JESSES SUCCINCT NEWS BLOG SALUTES GREEN BUSINESSES THAT ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN AMERICA..HIRING AMERICAN EMPLOYEES AND GIVING BACK TO THE AMERICAN DREAM!! THERES NO REASON ALL BUSINESSES CAN'T CELEBRATE LIFE WITH GREEN ENERGY WHILE BRINGING AMERICAN JOBS BACK TO AMERICA!! NOW WHAT ABOUT THOSE BIG "SNEAKER" COMPANIES AND THE GARMENT INDUSTRY?:?? YEP.. WE CAN MANUFACTURE IN "GREEN SOLAR BUILDINGS".. SAVING ENERGY COSTS AND MAKING PRODUCTS AFFORDABLE!! WIN WIN!! I THINK MITT ROMNEY WOULD APPROVE THIS MESSAGE OF "FREE ENTERPRISE" AND WILL SUPPORT MORE GREEN BUSINESSES TO TAKE THE LEAD IN THE CRUSADE OF AMERICAN JOBS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
 This is Detective sparks.., really lighting up for the cause of green business and homes for the american dreamer. yes, im one. We must teach sustainable energy and homes for our homeschooling children.
Thanks to our sponsors today and to all our readers. To "green or not to green" that is the question ? We at jesse's blog will hope that you will "green up". Join us everyday for exposes, top stories and a weekly "feel good" story on american businesses that are taking "charge". (pun intended). Its a positive charge.  see you tomorrow folks.. learn more about your green "future" today.

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