Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the meaning in the universe..is the meaning with us, how we relate to each other

Hello peeps, if you are still star-gazing, no one can blame you!! We have been following the stars since man first walked the earth and our destiny lies with them as infinite space and energies of light and dark battle.. Im posting a video today of what is meaningful to me.. My relationship with my son, professional actor and model, jesse cannella. I am here by the grace of God.. and also by the grace of my loving son who has sacrificed so much for my well-being in the last few years.I can't begin to share with you the many ways that my son has given me the practical sense and action needed. His "character" has been evolving and for me , it is a miracle.  What is meaningful in the universe?? our roles as "bearers" of  light , bringing truth to the darkness and in more practical terms, our roles as parents, children and family that sustain bonds of love and trust as we relate and communicate to each other.. forming our family roots that are the foundation of our passions. How does the energy of one star affect the universe? in very powerful and life-giving ways.. We hold all this "energy" within our relationships as we bring messages of healing or death. It is our choice to be part of the negative problem or be part of something larger and more meaningful. Part of the solution and positive energy, works for me and Jesse!! 
Enjoy our "home movie" video at Pheasants landing as jesse and I "celebrate" our family histories that can never be torn apart.. and  our "indpendence" for "independence day"!! We only consumed one glass of wine...so don't be too concerned with that "laughter". It comes directly from "divine" sources... We hope to have more videos for you on jesse's blog that are "packed" with meaning and action.. for what is life..the meaning of life..unless there is animation and freedom to move randomly about.. in space!!
A toast to all those that are employed by Pheasants Landing in NJ for their kind service and ambiance. We recommend that you visit Pheasants Landing for a totally positive dining experience and also check out the pub! http://www.pheasantslanding.com/Have a safe and happy summer folks.. and always keep your relationships with family a special event!  We thank our sponsors on jesses blogspot and invite everyone to explore by clicking on the ads.. at no charge.
until next time..detective sparks ..enjoying the candlelight dinner and the possibilities under the stars!

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