hello readers,
welcome to the white pages. The white middle class, that is. Today's topic is one that is being felt across the country and it "ain't pretty" folks. First, let me thank Michael Brody from CBN news for an excellent report about the "middle class voters" and priorities in the next election!! I support CBN news and all they have done since the founding of the 700 club under the leadership of Dr. Pat Robertson. hello to my christian friends at CBN! Thank you for your contributions to many in need today!
Let me address the middle class and class wars as i see them unfolding in the campaign and election. President Obama's record is one of dismal support to the "middle class". Though he talks a good game there is zero evidence that his "words" have matched a strategy to build business and strengthen the middle class. I'm going to give you a glimpse of the last 10 years of my "personal life" including the corporate changes that are literally wiping the "middle class" off the map. We are in effect being removed from the game and dumped into 2 classes that are warring. My fear is that the lower class is now taking huge "hunks" of the middle class making this a 2 class society. The super wealthy and the desperately poor. In this landscape of unemployment, the govt. grows bigger and more corrupt and those with jobs are being exploited and abused in record numbers based on the supply and demand of jobs. Services are growing faster and thereby the "govt" is creating jobs. One in four people are on food stamps!! This is an american tragedy!! Nothing is going to improve in america if we are adopting socialized medicine, marxism, making the businessman suffer and job creation only for the "public sector" of big govt.!! helllllllooooooooo anybody home at the whitehouse?? My frustration over this topic is a magnitude 12 on the seizmic graph!!! I am or was middle class america. My dad served in world war II, was a blue collar worker, self-educated and self-governed according to the american dream and founding fathers. I had a life that was good! Growing up in a town in ct. that reflected the ideals of boomerism. Great schools, businesses starting and growing at record speed! and all the evidences of happy pursuits , prosperity and success with the american blueprint!! Okay maybe there will never be another baby boom and maybe that is a novelty of history but i must hold to the principles that our american constitution provide or this is not america!! I embrace what this nation has represented since its "birth"!! independence, small govt., self-government and rule by the people , not the elite few who want to do my "thinking" for me. Rule by tyranny is just not acceptable in a free democracy!! What has President Obama traded since he has been in office!!! The Middle class is thrown under the "bus" by his ineffective policies that are shrinking business and the last vestage of what is all american and founding father lifeblood!!! peeps!! rise up!! I see a new champion on the horizon. It is a man who has heard the "challenge" in his heart and responded with courage and boldness that is needed to give america the "comeback" of the middle class. That Man is W. Mitt Romney!! The examination of his credentials are totally and perfectly faceted, like a diamond, with durable character and shine!! Mitt is the man to get small business back on track and the building of the private sector over the big govt. public sector , back in balance for the middle class. Everyday, i feel like my national identity has been sacrificed and the balance of america is lost. I associate totally on those independent and enterprising souls who have defined the middle class for generations!!! The middle class is a direct benefit and outgrowth of our founding fathers vision!! Where church and state cannot rule , as in european or socialist rule!! our founders were speaking from the experiences of europe to be better governed by little govt. . The middle class is the engine and machine that balances our lives with choices and meaning that are important to the pursuit of happiness. Without freedom and the capitalistic system our country is just another socialist mongrel.
I have no apology for being american, being capitalistic, being driven by values of my faith and founding father beginnings!! Unfortunately, i dont think out president can relate to anything that is "american dream" oriented or the success of the capitalist system. Since President Obama has been elected he has taken more freedoms, more authority and more democracy from the people than any other in history!! President Obama wants an elitist country that rules the masses of poor. That is not america!! Big govt. should not be thinking for people. That is a sign of collapse of the american dream. People who cannot think for themselves are "retarded". The gov.t is apparently in the business of retarding the people . peeps..can we live with this?? First, the debt he is creating by mismanagement!! Second, the apology he gives for captalism and all the americans hold dear, third his policies that are damaging the free enterprise system, four, the healthcare assault with "obamacare" that is taking free enterprise from the equation of the people having choice over their own "health and destiny"!! I can't think of anything worse than that!! an unconstitutional law that was never legit according to the principles that made this country a leader and the greatest nation on earth!! let's not forget to add the "taxes" that President Obama said he would not support and is now.. doing the democratic thing by taxing more spending more into debt and oblivion!! AMERICA STAND UP!! WE ARE BEING LED OVER A CLIFF BY AN UNFIT LEADER WHO ESPOUSES THOSE VIEWS THAT ARE COMMUNIST AND KILLING AMERICA ONE JOB AT A TIME!!!
I would like to walk you through a personal story.. a glimpse of the last 10 years of my a middle american..and im sure my story echos and vibrates with many others.. Other middle class families that have been deprived, bullied, shamed and forced into poverty and the class wars.. all orchestrated under the unfit leadership of President Barak Obama.. the new socialist. The next article..the story of a middle american and dreams shattered.
Come back soon to read more here at jesse's succinct news where being informed is the standard not the exception!!
This is detective sparks, thanking you for your support . never be ashamed for being american or make "apology" for being part of the greatest democracy on earth!! The countdown for the election is now! Make your vote count and shine for america!! Vote Mitt Romney for president and the "comeback" of the middle class. !! Mitt knows business!! He is qualified for the job.
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until next time.. The middle class is on the move.
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