Friday, August 24, 2012

the ancient bible stories coming to life! and how our democracy is linked to our judeo-christian faith.
Hello Readers,
Today's topic at succinct news has some real "history" behind it. Imagine finding a "seal" dating back to 1200 BC and the time of Samson, the strong man of biblical times? Well the archeology goes on and at this very same "site" where the seal depicting samson defending against a lion is etched on a pebble, is the site thought to have been where the "ark" of the covenant traveled. While there is no word on the "ark" in newest discoveries, I can't help thinking that these archelogy teams are still pursuing the "trail" to find the "ark of the covenant" , made famous in the Indiana Jones movies with "high adventure" and mystery. samson, according to the book of Judges, was about 4 miles from his fiance when the verse about samson, killing the lion was written. Apparently, this is exactly where they found this "pebble" or seal. It is beyond any coincidence! It's amazing what history lies beneath our "feet" and especially in the biblical lands that hold such rich history about people, faith and culture. As the bible stories are starting to come to life, it is time for us to realize the passage of these stories that  honored those heros have meaning. These biblical characters,  were models of god's power and faith, surviving odds that have no explanation except the hand of god and holy spirit was upon them. Samson, the strong man, holding up the pillars, performing supernatual feats beyond human endurance, is now proven to be a real person, living in the exact location that the bible reveals. History is not far from us. It lives with us. These archeology teams are soon to uncover a palace of a woman who ruled the cannanites. Where more history will be discovered and possibly more connection to the very "real" bible history may prove to be  only a "dig" away. Will they find the "ark" at one of these digs? other artifacts that prove bible history lives on!!? This is the pure gold storytellers love ,  and stuff legends and blockbusters are made of.  If you click on the link you will see a video that will take you back in time, to connect with one of the bible's strongest men . The tale of Samson is wrapped in a love story that ends in tragedy and deceit, but the redeeming quality of samson is that he makes a comeback! With his last breath he serves god, he pushes temple pillars down to trap the Phillistines and dies while saving his Hebrew brethren. His love. delilah, becomes the villian who finds samson's weakness and gives him over to the enemy. His revenge is to "kill" the phillistines and does as an obedient servant of god. As with many passages in the bible, it warns of seductresses of other faiths and lands. The bible is filled with these stories of troubles associated with marrying foreign women, foreign to the hebrew jewish orthodox faith and in every case of straying from the one faith to adopting "many gods",causing serious fractures to  occur.Some relationships will curse the man and his family for many generations, some marriages of inter-marriage will cause nations to divide! and in all cases disobedience is cited as the "mans" problem.  Many men of god who have fallen in love with the wrong woman, have come to regret it as the bible gives us examples of samson and delilah, david and bathsheba and others. I guess the old saying comes to mind.."choose wisely" or suffer a fate you may not ever overcome.Perhaps, as the bible says "do not be unequally yoked" has taken on new meaning, even today, where divorce rates are high, even in the christian faith. This of course relates to a man and woman being joined in a marriage , blessed by god, to be evenly yoked, having the same background, same teamwork, same work ethic and most importantly , the same faith. This is what we are missing in our relationships today. God , as the center and core of our married lives or relationships. There must be common ground and when there is chaos and confusion, it always ends in disaster, especially with the children of those "unequally yoked". The bible holds much wisdom and we are better characters if we can "heed" the clues and warnings. Life is precious and not a game. God created life with purpose and meaning. We need to keep those biblical lessons close to our heart. America started out as a country that held these "truths" to be self-evident.  Truths meaning the value of life and no man is another man's slave. We are created equal. These cornerstones of faith are embedded in our democracy and free enterprise system. It is important to remember that "constitutional" law is the law that rules in our courtrooms or should be "upheld". The fact is that these first amendment rights are being shadowed and eroded with each passing day. I encourage those people of faith to "take action" and make our american history, once again vibrant and a living history,  as it was intended by our founding fathers. We cannot seperate ourselves from our faith and the significance it has in our culture and american life.i stand in opposition to President Obama's claims that proving christianity is not in his job description. I feel it is most certainly the job of the president to embrace our american history and christian values that have made our country the greatest in the world. The president is in the white house with a host of living presidents and those not living. He is sharing the space with the residents of the past by joining the ranks of "presidential powers". so speaking figuratively , president Obama shares his public service role as those before him and all have held to christian values and principles.We can say some more than others in the recent past but media scrutiny has made a monumental difference about the conduct of presidents and what the public expects from their "presidents" as  a standard.   our faith  gives us passion for freedom and it is  american to include faith in our "forum" of policy. Our commander-in-chief is supposed to defend our country , our freedoms , our constitution. yes, christianity is part of the job description. It cannot be separate from the duties of president.  Todays's link was offered by CBN news and reported by Lee Webb, one of the finest newsman in the broadcasting industry. For more great news reporting on stories like this and other christian news please visit There are many helpful ministries for you and your family especially with respect to family viewing, christian films and other relevant topics on the website. Check out the christian radio too. The contempory artists are "inspirational". ! Thank you to all my friends at CBN. This is detective sparks, buzzing the wire on the back to school circut.
thanks to our sponsors. we appreciate all of them!
until next time, read your american history. learn your bible and bring it to life when you practice ethics that are as old as time and millenium. detective sparks has a personal story to go with this history. It is an american story as american as "apple pie". I never apologize for "america". It is the best country in the world and the "people" make all the difference!  I will have to blog that one at another time.

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