Thursday, August 23, 2012

homeschooling and back to school week.. a great report!
hello readers and homeschoolers,
As we all prepare for the  new academic year coming up..i am pleased to announce that Homeschooling legal defense has some of the best "homegrown" talent leading the way for the next gens of homeschooling.  William Estrada is an atty. for HSLDA who happens to be the oldest of eight homeschooled children and is married to a homeschooled woman and now has added to his impressive achievements as bringing some special news to all homeschoolers in his fight for homeschooling equality. Here's the news!! Homeschoolers will have access to federal student aid when entering colleges accross the country even without a high school GED, meaning homeschooled children have now gained a giant step forward to access "student" aid as the Dept. of education , now agrees!! This is great back to school news for homeschoolers and I am as happy as one can be at this news because it indicates a new "equality" coming about in our education system  and scholarship mindset. Homeschoolers now can compete and join  students of public  and private school backgrounds who all have equal access to student aid with a new respectability, that should honor our bright and  homeschooled. I congratulate Atty. Estrada for his exceptional work on bringing this policy forward with the cooperation of the parties including the Dept. of education. At last homeschooling, one of our most honored long-held traditions of american foundation , is being given justice and equality. To all those entering college this year as homeschooled students, I wish you all a successful year and unlimited opportunity as "homeschool" is celebrated with equality and student aid fianancing! The contributions homeschoolers make to our country..and to our world cannot be measured! They are the volunteers in the community, they are the leaders of tomorrow, they are the friendly faces you see that are engaged and family oriented, carrying family history and special codes of ethics and conducts, they are the students of faith and academic excellence.. they are the lifeblood of our countries ingenuity and resourcefulness, they are the next gen politicians and lawyers who will be catalysts for change.  Homeschool is what makes a family unit shine! The gifted homeschoolers are leading the way in academics and in every pursuit of happiness!
This is detective sparks, lighting up for the good news! I thank HSLDA for their advocacy and protection to homeschooling families and want to credit the writers and staff for the weekly  updates , To the president and founder of HSLDA, Mike Farris and to Will Estrada the director of federal relations for making this exciting dream a reality for all homeschoolers!! I am celebrating today with the homeschool community.
Please enjoy our sponsors and as always check back with us.. for some surprises! This news today is the best surprise for back to school week!! here at jesse's succinct news.. We thank all our homeschooling friends who are out there making a difference.!
until tomorrow.. get your tools ready.. on your mark , get set, go!!

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