hello readers,
It's back to school time and you know i'm bringing the good stuff to pack in your "backpacks" with detective gear and bully-proof power. As you are loading up on supplies for school and your writing classes at "staples", remember that "staples" is a company that was managed by Mitt Romney. One of the businesses he started up and monitored. Staples is a success story!! We can have faith and trust in a Presidential candidate who "brings" it everyday with his resume, ethical code and "plan" for an american comeback that will see jobs for all ages!! Mitt has the master plan for the american dream, and dream means action with founding fathers policies that framed our constitution with free enterprise. our country is one where small business and trades were embraced by our founding fathers with small government, simple government and smart government ruling. With Mitt in charge, we have a chance readers. A chance to see America as the superpower making a comeback but with new fresh ideas for future generations. Don't give up on america!! i know it's been a tough haul since President Obamination has been in office. The country has seen the worst of the worst while he promised the best of the best!! The highest unemployment and the slowest recovery on record gives obama all the credit. He must take "accountability". It is his presidency that failed the people. Obama must go and the Don't be fooled again readers. Vote for accountability.. and you will get exactly that from Mitt , Paul and his comeback team!! A cccountability, where does it begin?? I think Mitt has a good idea here. Check on the link and you will see where it all began. With the Federal Central Bank ! of course! With all of the accusations made about Mitt Romney's taxes I think Mitt has the big "get even" here! What do you think..?? Election day will be here soon. Prepare to exercise your constitutional freedoms and Vote for someone who will not disappoint, will create jobs for young people and middle class. Vote for someone who has "experience" with managing successful budgets and businesses. Vote for someone who wants to work for you! The time for america's comeback team is now. Vote Romney and Ryan for tried and true success!
Thank you for joining us today for the political spin!
this is detective sparks.. challenging your iq!
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until tomorrow, keep reading and welcome back to school.
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