Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prize-winning breakthrough in stem cell research!
hello readers, welcome to succinct news! Today's article is wrapped with emotional charge and today its about "positive" news for pro-life supporters and for the general public. What could be better than a win-win for unborn children and for those seeking medical treatments that heal. The link today is from Laura Johnson, CBN news , medical reporter. We thank  our friends and reporters at CBN news for thier fine research and relevant discoveries!  While the push for embryonic stem cell treatment is fading,  preference of the Adult Stem cell treatments are emerging. The scientific community for years has been promoting human embryonic stem cells for treatment. There has been a huge ethical push back on the science based on the disrepect for the sanctity of life, held as a position of the science community at large. Prolifers have been in extreme opposition to the science communities ignorance and arrogance at having harvests millions of embryos for the purpose of embryonic stem cell research. Now it appears that the adult stem cell treatment is even better than imagined thanks to the two new recipients of the nobel peace prize for medicine. 74 year old John Gurdon of the Gurden institute in cambridge britain and 50 yr. old Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan, figured out how to take the adult stem cells and reprogram them into embryonic cells without the need to harvest embryos. This provides new hope for people with parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, heart disease and more medical conditions. All cells in our body begin as healthy stem cells. SCT or stem cell treatment , involves taking a stem cell and growing it and then placing it inside a sick part of the body, brain or spinal cord. What happens next is a miracle of sorts!! The healthy stem cells will takeover the sick part of the body, regenerating , thus making the patient well.
Prolife advocates have had a longstanding argument with the practice of using embryonic stem cells  believing  it is "murder" to use unborn babies and human embryos for such a purpose of destruction of harvested embryos for stem cell research and treatment.
The nobel price winners proved that adult stem cells can be turned back into cells that behave as "embryos". Adult stem cells are not rejected by the immune system the way that embryonic stem cells sometimes are.  Yamanaka issued warnings that the internet can be a dangerous place because of all the unproven stem cell treatments advertised. The treatments that prove cures for just about anything you can think of do not have testing to back them up. People are desperate for a cure and may undergo treatments that end with worse conditions that could lead to death. Yamanaka continues his warning stating "only when we confirm the safety and effectiveness of stem cell therapies with animals will we initiate clinical trials using a small number of patients."
It sounds like we are taking a huge science and medical step in the right direction and for the "ethical reasons" of sanctity for life! It couldn't be better news for prolifers and for those who know that children are "gifts" of god..and an unborn child is not "tissue" for experimentation or degradation. The problem, the sin and the unrighteousness  in this country is still the "blood" of the  innocent babies and the practice of abortion   that has taken place for years. The collective sin of the abortion industry and those who preach that an unborn child is not a life and abortion is a choice, need to reevalutate . Our country has a morality problem.  the trillions in debt may be evidence of the decadent and unholy collision of those who don't view the sanctity of life as sacred with those prolife advocates who do. I completely believe that God's hand of protection will be removed from our once humane and civil country if we do not elect leaders who will preserve our ethics, morals and oath of office. Those duties of the commander-in-chief are to defend life, preserve our country, our freedoms and the people!  Our country is a superpower that is "suicidal" if we lose our moral compass!! Vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. The abortion industry for profit , must end. Obamacare is an evil and destructive force that must be repealed. The warning is clear. There is no need to "harvest" embryonic stem cells for research or for murder. Everyone must face the reality that "prochoice" does not include "taking your own "child's life". It means using birth control, prevention and education.. for choices that are moral , humane and just.  It's good news to have the scientific medical community working for the good of mankind again.
This is detective sparks.. shouting for joy!! Life is a gift and is sacred!!
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Until tomorrow, believe in miracles.. they are all around us! Life, is a miracle.

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