Saturday, December 22, 2012

the winter break just made for books that transform the screen!
Hello readers,
I hope you are all feeling the christmas spirit as there is a classic and power-packed movie line up for families this 2012 that will be good "fuel" to start your holidays. Les Miserables , tops the list with an all-star cast! Don't miss Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway in this classic tale. There are many action movies as well and depending on your taste, there is something for everyone! Today i offer you a link from PopSugar, and thanks for the link to popSugar writers. There are 20 books that are transforming into the next big blockbusters. It always starts with a "good book". Even the children's books are getting some credit! i invite you to check the link on this abbreviated christmas edition of Succinct news! What is better than to share a "story" at christmas with your family. Perhaps one of these 20 will be on your family "approved" reading list. I see one book that shines and stands out from the rest with some famous names of veteran actors and actresses. The content of "the company you keep" brings interest and intrigue. Written by Lisette Mejia, Neil Gordon adapts this book for the movie glitter!  A former weather underground activist si forced to go on the run after a jounalist has figured out his true identity.  Another 007 spy themed movie? we hope so! its all about the mystery and drama! The cast of this movie is one that will be sure to attract blockbuster status. You have Robert Redford directing and starring in this film with Shia LaBeouf, anna kendrick, Susan Saradon and Terrance Howard. It sounds like it has the makings of an "award-winning" film and i would love to see how this one "plays out"...Of course if you prefer younger and more contemporary actresses..Kristen Stewart has a serious role in a book made for movie drama "lie down in darkness" about a southern family who suffers dsyfunction and ultimately Kristen's role is one of "suicide".  All 20 of these awesome christmas selections will have you ahead on  the "movie making learning curve" because these are truly "books" worthy of the big screen and "begging" for the well-known actors and actresses to complete these character roles!!
Another christmas is upon us.. 2012 is almost at an end.  Jesse and I at succinct news, wish you the very best of holiday joy and a happy and successful new year! Enjoy your reads for the new year as we take time with our families and friends, to share the meaning of christmas. It's all about "sharing" the blessings. Succinct news will be back in 2013 with fresh content for some very monumental projects. Jesse's enterprise "In the shadow of the badge" leads the way and we have a spring fling solar project coming in april so "hold  on to your hats" , we've have some  gifted and creative content news for you about to be revealed.! like a good book... it will "grab" your attention and having you ask for "more" for the "creative engine of succinct news". We thank all the entertainers, model and actors for giving us the best xmas gifts to share with our families!
This is an edited version..time to light up the xmas tree, sit in my favorite chair by the fireside and start my book.... getting prepared for the xmas story for 2013.
This is detective sparks, advocating  more solar stocking stuffers for those little elves..who want to go green.
please enjoy our many exciting sponsors. we welcome you to click for christmas wishes!
until next time..
be safe and enjoy the sweet sites and sounds of xmas..I recommend the christmas channel on skyfm for the sounds of the season and playing it by ear..
this is the contributing writer for professional actor jesse cannella , yvonne a. obrien.

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