Hello readers and welcome november! we here at succinct news are breathing a sigh of relief as "sandy" took us of course for a few day..but lucky for us , we are now powered up, heats on, lights up and laptops and communications are now buzzing along! We thank our readers in the Ukraine, there are many signing on. We appreciate you! and all of the many others that are taking a peak at our "succinct news" blog on a regular basis. To all those who have suffered the wrath of " Sandy" we send our heartfelt prayers and deepest hopes that your lives will be restored quickly and with the american spirit of the people to turn tragedy to triumph! Please keep your patience for that is the test ahead with scarce supplies of food and water and shelter.
Today's blog makes a turn off the top stories, social commentaries and entertainment news to bring some serious content about Successful Entrepreneurs. We should add a "small business stories" to our blog since Small Business in america is the "heart" of america and the engine for job creation. I have a particular bond with small business as the "american dream" theme is a direct link to american history and defines me, personally. Family farms in pennslyvania that were also "birthing" small business before the industrial revolution were the evidence of resourceful, resilient and independent people. Did i tell you the story of my great-grandfather who built a home in "homer city" pa. back in the mid 1800's? He also had a family business of being a "first photographer" for weddings of the local towns folk. Well, a jack of many trades it appears..and still this runs in our family tree. One word sums it up.. ENTREPRENUERSHIP! That is our blog for today. Weekend is for entreprenuers and we at succinct news celebrate the success of the small business and inventive and courageous and powerful enterprenuers. We will refer to successful entreprenuers in this blog as SE.. just for the fun of shorthand. This writer is quite exhausted after cleaning up from "sandy" with the chaos that a few days without power can create! Lets begin with "The 10 Demands of SE " as Gallup uncovers the motivations, perceptions and behaviors that propel these exceptional business people.
Here is the Demand menu..:
1)know your personal brand. SE's know themselves , perceive others realistically , having strong talent in this domain enables E to connect and intereact with employees, customers, suppliers and investors in a way that results in positive business outcomes. This demand is relevant when business is established and the E is likely to conduct negotiations, influence others and motivate employees.
2)Take on challenges * The E takes inherent risk in venture creation and must constantly make decisions in complex situations. Often this requires operation without complete knowledge of all the facotrs that could positively or negatively affect this venture. Moreover, most businesses are created with scarce resources and there is high uncertainty and ambiguity. These conditions would deter most people from assuming the task of starting or growing a venture. E with strong talent in this domain raise the bar, face their fears and are willing to experiment. The E will resist constraints and overly optimism of the risk involved. I would add that the E is not a victim of "hype" but can manage the extremes of "emotion" that might tend to influence good decision-making. E seeks out challenges and take the risks associated with venture creation and growth. The demand is most relevant in the early stages of business.
3) Think through possibilities and practicalities~~ The E can think beyond boundaries of what exists.. thinking out of the box would apply. E's can stretch imagination and absorb new facts to blend the present with the future.
The successful E or SE, links an existing idea or product and improves it with fresh content. Creative minds fire with different ideas. The demand is more relevant but in the beginning stages but relevance continues into the later phase of the business life cycle.
4) Promote business , SE are their own best spokespeople. They have strong talent in this domain and this makes it easy for them to persuade others while communicating clear and compelling messages. The demand is relevant early and in the established stages of business.
5)Focus on business outcomes
Running businesses require your focus. SE's set goals and live by their committment to them. The E with a high business focus set goals that are relevant in the early and established stages of the business.
6)Be a perpetual student of the business
The SE seeks knowledge to grow the venture continually acquiring knowledge and skills required to grow the business and are essential to an E success. I call this "continuing education or ongoing training". This demand is exercised in the established stage of business.
Early stages of business creation , the E fills multiple roles to address the needs of a start up. Jack of all trades comes to mind. This Demands a higher level of self-reliance and this is definitely an attribute of a SE.
8) Self -starter
Long hours of woork , high levels of energy and stamina are needed for starting up. SE is a passionate doer who pushes to make things happen. The SE sees opportunity when others see roadblocks. This demand is relevant to early and established stages of business development.
9)Multiply yourself through delegation of tasks and especially delegate authority to the role of "team manager". As an SE is more and more consumed with growing the business it is wise to "delegate"
authority to a team and train them well for the process. This is a relevant demand in the established stage.
10) Build relationships
Starting or growing a business involves the interactions with many people. the ability to build strong relationships is crucial for survival and growth. The SE's are adept at building relationships that are strong wtih social awareness and can attract and maintain constituency. E have a high standard of personal conduct that enables others to trust them and form strong relationships with them. this demand is for early and established stages. I would start with this first.. the ability to communicate, put people first whether clients or employees and build trust. Easy and simplistic in theory but many E's fail to do this and it is one of the basic building block fundamentals for managing a successful business. people first. before profit.
The writers of this excellent gallup article are Sangeeta Badal , senior research entreprenuership @ gallup. Joe Streur, Advanced design and analytics specialist..
Succinct news thanks these contributors for a very practical look inside the motivations, behaviors and perceptions of the highly gifted SE. We need more entreprenuers for our american small business machine. We will be adding more stories from Gallup and other small business stories as Succinct news goes viral for small business on election week! Choose to support small business and Vote Mitt Romney for president 2012. The future of our country hangs in the balance.!
This is detective sparks.. signing off after along week of "explosions".. kissing "sandy" good bye!
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until tomorrow, keep the faith in the American Free Enterprise System.People in america drive the engine of Entreprenuership!! We all have a "story to tell" that is meaningful and practical.
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