Thursday, July 19, 2012

another "obesity" drug with side effects
Hello readers and crusaders of the lost "art" of balance and weight management,
I know a few basic things about health, about weight, about nutrition and diet. Most of what I know is through witness of addiction habits. would like to share the link at CBN news and thank those news reporters in health science. The reports at CBN are always clear, well-delivered and thoroughly researched. i hope our readers enjoy this video with extensive evidence that "obesity" and food addiction is a "repeat" offender of health.  Whether it is smoking, nicotine a drug that is as hardcore as heroin with addiction properties, or alcohol addiction or sex addiction or "food addiction",  Addiction behavior must be identified. The fact is that because food is needed for survival and health that it has always had a "positive" message.Motherhood, prosperous times to celebrate life, social events that encourage excess bingeing and convenient foods all have gone under the radar while america packs on the pounds while watching endless hours of tv. Nutrition and variety in our american  diets is easy to find . Really It is easy to "eat" healthy. Here's how. First you  must make your grocery list weekly. You must take time to teach your brain habits that will last a lifetime. Most schedules are rushed at fast paced peak. Food is the last thing you think about. Todays economy is generating many by products of obesity meaning that "fear" and other "emotions" may be "driving" the entire population to over eat or to food addiction. If people do not have choices, freedoms, even a few minutes in the day for relaxing or managing stress you have a population at risk. At risk not only for obesity but for other addictions, food being one. Over 35% of american adults are now overweight. What has changed since americans have become softer and "fatter". ??  Many things in our culture have  changed even since the 50's including the question of "morality" , "ethics", "nuclear families", "finance", two parents with career and families, high rates of divorce and sadly more and more and more government control over our lives. I personally feel that govt. excesses, like invasion and intrusions into our personal lives through the court system with respect to  divorce or family law, has been responsible for much of this continuing obesity saga!!  Let me link an example for you. There are 10 top stressors or emotional assaults to us as normal healthy adults and children. The highest stress on the list and this is number one,  is of course "death".Death of a loved one, spouse, child, member of the family drives emotion and can result in sickness, addiction or other unwanted outcomes. People suffer extreme and unbalanced reactions and mixed emotions that can be deadly. Death of a loved one could mean loss of "financial security" if you are dependent on say the "head of the household"It means you may lose your home or friends. . Death produces the most stress and most are not prepared for any way. Even those who may have financial security experience serious setbacks and problems relating to the death of a "loved" one. Obviously, death produces great amounts of pressure and stress that can cause feelings of helplessness and powerlessness. Over eating is one way to "control" what you cannot "control". It causes you to become "obsessive" when faced with many issues , emotions or feelings you cannot control. A child, who is unable to verbalize his or her free speech or who is censored from expressing himself or herself or fears punishment will sometimes use "food" as a way of "fighting back" or dealing with emotions and feelings of helplessness to cope with high stress situations.  You know im going to name "divorce" as the second offender of balance and another cause of "obesity". If children do not have models of health and fitness in the home. If they have only been parented by a tv or welfare dependency, they are going to be "ill-prepared" to maintain health or weight. 75% of what children learn is through visual example. That means young children who are not getting fit parenting or training from parents with respect to their health, are the most at risk for obesity. Lecturing to children without practicing your words as a parent , is a very ineffective way to parent and is really an unfit way to parent. Here are some tips for raising healthy, smart and active children. First , children with energy are not to be punished but encouraged. If your children are not directed, supervised or structured with proper activities in the home, even as preschoolers, they will struggle in life with basic issues like "weight management". Health and weight management should have nothing to do with reward or punishment. food should never be a weapon and children should never be denied proper nutrition. Our preschool children learn best when they have a parent /role model who is fit to teach them the importance of proper nutrition and an active schedule. Lets say music, dance, swimming, biking, gymnastics and a long list of physical challenge. outdoor play, meeting friends, story hour and reading, arts and crafts and many more "structured" activities designed for teaching "independence" , "confidence" , "communication", "expression" and health. When making your weekly grocery list , parents should involve their children and encourage that they come to the store or garden, select the foods they like from the produce section, fruits and vegetables. Learn about what they are eating and how it makes good "fuel" for their bodies. Those early lessons are essential in teaching children that "food" must be chosen wisely for their bodies health and management. Giving healthy choices and variety to children is always important.  Breast-feeding is a way to learn about nutrition before your child is born and really there is nothing more important than taking care of your body for you want to have a "healthy baby". Study and joining natural birthing classes offer this opportunity. You should always have a support group and educated friends. Breast-feeding is a sacrifice for many moms but the rewards are "improved" health and immunity for your new baby!! your baby will have "superpowers" and immune protection through the first years of life. The rewards far outweigh the negatives but i would say with a degree of certainty that mothers need to take maternity leaves and spend time with new infants to bond with their child but also to have the rest needed to focus on the precious life you are accountable for. If it is financially not possible for you to stay home with your new baby for at least 3 months or more then breastfeeding becomes a real hassle. You will be rushed and have to use a "breastpump" for most times apart from the baby. A high pressure or corporate job can be added stress when adding a new baby to the family. The mothers health and babies health, must be priority and the focus. I've seen many moms who use "pregnancy" as a time to indulge!! to add on extra weight and eat the foods that are high in fat and sugar. I would say if you are gaining more than "baby weight" and eating out of control, you need to put your child first and practice good sense and habits. For the delivery of your child you want to be in good shape and not on the path to lifelong obesity. Women who do not gain excess weight  are in better shape to have normal births and healthy babies. I recommend activity, through the 9th month but of course you will have to adjust as you arrive at your third trimester. I applaud women who stay moderately active and eat healthy vs junk food. You should never use a "baby" as an excuse to become obese or lazy. ! A baby is  a precious gift and giving life is the most cherished of all of a womans function. We were born to have babies! Its a shame that todays mom's are not giving education to their children with regard to health, diet, and a physical schedule that encourages health. Moms cannot abandon the job of "education" in the home. This is the best thing you can do for your children. You must teach "moderation" and for me that means teaching biblical principles. Yes ethics.. can start with examples of faith. Faith teaches patience and moderation. These lessons can combat the high stress americans are feeling. The people must manage their own health and not the govt.  Just as an unfit parent who controls a child , a child will develop eating it is with a govt. that wants to over-regulate us..our families and even our reproduction, the result is a huge helpless population packing on the pounds and having no idea they are buying into obesity and corrupt healthcare management. Addictions are on the rise and the rehab industry is driving healthcare costs through the roof!!  Healthcare corruption is widespread!  My advisement is this, do not buy into govt. dependency. The govt. doesnt care if you are healthy and in many ways, the govt is an unfit parent taking too much control and freedoms from the american people. Stand and fight..!! stand against obesity. Find activities that are healthy to share with your family and limit tv time. There must be  more for family time  than meeting on the couch for hours of tv viewing with excess food and snacks. Do you have a passion? Are you proactive in your own destiny? Are you staying physical at least for 4 hours daily? Can you join a YMCA or swim program wtih your family? a gym? take a bike and camping vacation? Learn new skills? If you have the freedoms and independence to maintain your schedule and health you are beating the odds of unemployment and the dysfunction that is taking over america!! Please peeps.. i havent even given you stresses 3-10.. The third being "moving or relocation"... Do you see how these high stress factors are a result of the loss of jobs?? and the transitions are very stressful putting us all at the table eating mass quantities of "food" we do not need but are emotionally craving!! take charge of your emotions peeps. Its the only way to manage your addictions and especially "food" addiction or obesity. What works for me is going to the grocery store and spending time in the "produce" section. Eating fresh daily is the answer to overreating. the burger joints limit that kind of high salt and fat food.. unless there is physical activity to match those high calories. The fast foods have "addiction" qualities including excess salt for the purpose of excess beverage.!! you see its all about profit and not health. I could add volumes on this subject having taken "food" seriously in my family based on the diet restrictions of a loved one. I learned very early that independence is the best thing about "america and democracy"... Having gov.t dependency is the enemy of health so.. start business, maintain a moderate budget for food, stay active, start a savings plan for a special passion or interest and definitely have a rest period every day for faith, prayer, putting children first, education and focus on a healthier you and future. Life does not mean excess!! Life means freedoms and choices that are healthy and respectful of life! Take your health seriously peeps. you dont want to become "medicated" on govt. control and dependency. The effects of longterm obesity are "disability", "diabetes", "heart disease" and other diseases that you are at risk for if you are morbidly obese or just "obese". Your freedoms will be neglected if you opt for the healthcare program. If you dont learn the basics , the fundamentals of health, you are doomed to premature aging and even premature death and complications of  health. Do you want "longterm care"?? Do you have the "insurance" to pay huge medical bills? This is what is not sustainable in our nation, it is the evidence that is putting our debt at trillions!! People.. wake up!! We are at a critical point in the history of our country. !! The people need to manage the govt.  That is our design in america. "we the people" self-govern. If the people cannot govern they are "unfit". If the govt. cannot manage the people with ethics..they are corrupt. It doesnt make sense for people to suffer for lack of knowledge!! know the importance of health and diet and how exercise makes a difference!! you must be able to do it all. It is the founding fathers message of fitness and leadership.
until tomorrow.. this is detective sparks.. giving you a "plate" that shows "measured" portions for your health. Convenience has a high price.
Choose wisely..
Thank you once again to our sponsors who advertise on jesse's succinct news. We thank CBN news for their very insightful video and as always we respect and welcome all comments and suggestions on jesse's succinct news blog.  Have a happy healthy summer and make sure you take the family to the farm markets for excellent fresh foods all summer long. The prices are affordable too!!

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